I Love You - Chapter 9

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(A/N I don't really like this chapter, sorry its a crappy chap. Hope yall enjoy anyway)

*Louis' P.O.V*

"Hey Aus, whats up man?"

"Where is she?"

"Uhm, room I think," I said reluctantly. He pushed my shoulder and stormed into her room. Oh no. This might just have been the biggest mistake I've ever made.

*Alyssa's P.O.V*

A cough came from my door. I presumed it to be my brother so I gently pulled away from Harry's sweet lips. I was smirking and I guessed Harry was too but I was too busy fumbling for my phone in my pocket at the vibrate it was giving me.

"Put that down," a gruff voice said from my door frame. I looked up and saw. Oh. My. God. Austin. I did as I was told and dropped my phone to the bed. "A minute please?" Austin asked Harry, polite enough but not for Harry. Oh no. He had to make a big drama!

"Uh, no."

"You'll regret this mate," Austin said aggresively as he walked towards the end of the bed that Harry was sat on. He brushed past me, his varsity jacket rubbing my forearm. My hand immediately reached to grab him back but he shrugged me off.

"Na, babe," he smired as he did so. "Remember me and you? We're an item. That was all a prank,

"Wasn't very funny," I mumbled.

"C'mon babe, cheer up," he leaned in to kiss me. Scrambling at my bed, I hastily moved away. That was a big mistake. Austin dug his fingers into both my arms, digging his nails in too. I had to kiss back. After around 20 seconds I attempted to pull away but all he did was deepen the kiss. When I finally got him away from my face, I realised Harry'd gone. This must have hurt him so much I almost wanted to punch Austin. However, this wouldn't be feesable since I'd recieve another twice as hard.

"We need to talk..." I started but was cut off by another kiss off Austin.

"Nothing to talk about. Your mine. I'm yours." Ugh. This was harder than I thought it'd be. I knew what I had to do I just didn't have the courage. Just one minute of mental strength would do. I had it in me...somewhere. I lifted my arm, which was now deeply bruised from Austin's firm grip, to push him back. This time he actually did but still his face had that devilish smirk spread on it like jam. I wished a cleansing wipe would clean it off but nothing, nothing could remove the smile on his lips. All of a sudden, a burst of courage rushed through my body making me tingle from head to toe.

"No." I said. "No I'm not yours. I'm my own person and I can make my own decision. I've decided you're not good enough for me. The beatings, the other girls. Most of all, the phone call." I started sobbing. The strong side of me had faded. I was proud of myself, I'd stood up to Austin and now he was leaving! Casually, he strode out of the apartment room, muttering some rude names (not even going to mention them) as he shut the door. Harry obviously heard him leave as he came and stood in front of me.  

"Harry, I ju-" he cut me off. This time, not with a kiss but talking. Even this was enough. He said, "I know baby. Uh, Alyssa. I'm sorry it's just. I've never admitted this to anyone and I've never actually told a girl this but, Alyssa, I think I love you," he paused momentarily, "no, I KNOW I love you. Be mine?" By now, tears were streaming down my face. I tried to stop but all my body would do was nod. He engulfed me in a tight hug. Everything was silent but not in any way awkward. We were enjoying each others presence and, for once, my brother wasn't interfering. This moment was actually picture perfect. If I had a mental camera, I swear this would be front cover of every album I own. Realising that about a million and one girls would kill to be in my position, I lightly chuckled to myself knowing nobody could ever take this moment from us. Maybe 3 or 4 minutes later, we parted. Harry's beautiful green orbs stared straight into my brown ones. There was three words that fit this frame perfectly and I was the one who needed to say them. I shouldn't be so hard considering he's flipping HARRY STYLES, sex god of the century. I mean, fans say that to him on repeat every day of his breathing life since X-Factor. Maybe it was the fact that I knew I meant the three words because it was fair to say I knew this immature, crazed teen. Or maybe it was the fact he loved me back. Deep down he loved me even with all my little things. (A/N: Sorry I had to:P) Even though I had my insecurities, he loved me for me and all my flaws. Not AND, BECAUSE of my flaws. Because I wasn't afraid of being myself, of not being 'perfect' when I was with him. Anyway, skipping to the conclusion, he loves me for ME. And thats when I knew it was the perfect time. I popped those 3 words that would change my life forever.

"I love you."


I know I said I didn't like this chap but when I carried on writing it got cute:3 Sorry for not updating, stupid schoolwork. I'm off school for 2 weeks so when I've done all my work I can be freeeeee! And be on as long as I want:D Thanks again for so many views and votes, it means the world. Please comment, yall make me smile:D Btw I'm thinking of a new photo for this so should I do a competition? What d'you think? Comment pleaseeee!

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