First Day Back - Chapter 11

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*2 months later*

*Aly's P.O.V*

It's been two months since the incident. All the boys found out but were, surprisingly, very supportive. Most fans were fine with me and Harry, the occasional hate was thrown at me but I'd learnt to deal with it. Right now, we were on our way to the boys first day back at work - a signing. I had to say, I was a little excited but also nervous incase I recieved hate. Eleanor was with me though so hopefully they won't bother me. Well, I can only hope.

We arrived around the back at about midday(12pm) at the shopping centre we were at. A few fans had managed to find us but apart from that we got in pretty quick and without hassle. Before going to the actual signing, we were allowed to sit in the staff room with tea and coffee and...FOOD! (Much to Niall's delight.)

Not long after we'd arrived in the staff room, we had to make our way to the fans. Me and El had the choice to stay but we decided against it and went to sit with the guys. Oh great. Screaming fans. A lot of them. The boys ran out waving to them all and screaming hellos through the single mic. Eleanor and I smiled and waved and sat out the boys way. Occasionally, Harry'd look over his shoulder, biting his lip and wink at me which would make me blush, what a hopeless flirt.

"Aly?" Eleanor tapped my shoulder.


"I'm just nipping to the toilet. Don't miss me too much," she said with a wink. It was getting a little stuffy so I agreed to going with her. The toilets weren't far. Just down the first pathway (which was completely empty because of the boys) and to the right.

"El, I'll wait out here." I said, standing in between the boys and girls door. She nodded yes and walked through the bright blue door. At first, I stood twiddling my thumbs but that easily bored me so I began singing. I was just belting out the last line of 'On My Own' from Les Miserables when a imposing figure, dressed in black applauded.

"Very good. Remember me, honey?" As soon as he said honey everything came flashing back. The one. The only. Austin. In that moment, my whole teen life flashed before my eyes: the beatings, the name calling, the other girls but also the good memories: the 2am phone calls, the cute names and the late night cuddling. I must admit, at that very moment I was more scared than ever before. Why was he here? What was he going to do?

"Uh-uh. I, uhm..."

"Lost for words, babe? I knew you'd missed me," he said, smirking. And at that moment, I absolutely hated him.

"Actually, I was just thinking how much happier I was now you're gone," I replied with a surge of sudden confidence.

"Bitch." He yelled, and slapped me straight across my cheek and kicking me in the shin. I yelped in pain and bent down to grab my leg. He took this as an opportunity to pull my ponytail into a raggy mess. Throwing another punch at me, he laughed at my tear-streamed face. One more punch in the ribs and I was on the floor, weeping like a baby. And with that, he was gone. I crunched into the tightest ball I could on the floor. Nobody could see me so why would it matter? I'd wait for Eleanor and say I came to walk in but was on the phone so got hit with the door. That'll work. Yeah. I hope. I think. She walked out seconds later and her jaw dropped.

"Alyssa! What the hell happened?" By now, I'd dried most of my tears and I went along with my plan, "I was coming in but the door hit me," she came over to hug me. I flinched at her squeezing my ribs and squealed a little.

"Not buying it." She stated. I giggled a little at her stern voice. The Eleanor I always knew was soft, cuddly El not strict El. She raised her eyes.

"Aly, I'm being serious."

"Okay, okay." I said, now crying, and explained everything in perfect detail. By the end Eleanor was crying too.

"This is all my fault!" She cried.

"It is not!"

"It is. If I'd never came to the toilet or left you or even if we just stayed in-" I cut her off with my finger on her lips.

"El, it's fine I promise!" She came for another cuddle, but, again, hugged a little too hard. I began crying hysterically. My shin hurt badly when I walked so I had a limp. I saw El get out her phone and dial in what I thought was Paul's number.

"Hey Paul? Yeah. Come and get me and Alyssa from the toilets please, I'll explain later...okay, okay but hurry!" She looked at me, worry clear in her glossy eyes. Knowing that she was worried about me, made me worry that maybe something was actually wrong.

"Aly, what hurts sweetie?" She asked out of curiosity. I pointed to my ribs, shin and right cheek. A wave of horror washed over me when I saw Paul with medical help. Did El tell him something else. Then I remembered, she text someone just after the phone call. It made me feel dizzy at the sight. I didn't need medical help, right? All of a sudden, stars appeared. Bright blue sky dotted with purple stars. Something wasn't right. In this case it was obviously me. Because at that moment, I passed out. 


Sorry i took yaaaages. Next chapters almost done too. Love yall so much ~Katie<3

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