~My little hideout~

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《Balloon's P.O.V》

It was morning,I woke up, but Nickel was still sleeping so i tough of not waking him up i fogot we got to go to breakfast so i hop off my bed and then went straight to Nickel's bed. When i reached him i shook him softly saying his name gentely "Nickel..hey Nickel..wake up.." 

《Nickel's P.O.V》 

I woke up by someone calling my name softly "Nickel..hey Nickel..wake up.." ...   that voice was so sweet..so Gentile.. I opened my eyes to see a salmon colored balloon, Balloon didn't realize how close our faces were and i blushed a little at this.

《Balloon's P.O.V》

I zoned out for a moment then came back to reality...our faces were so damn close so i backed up quickly blushing, i didn't know if it was because of embarassment or i was flustrated. "Sorry if i made you uncomfy Nickel-" I said quickly "No it sok- You just zooned out-" there was award silence after that. "Oh uhm we should start heading to the lobby for breakfast-" "Good idea-" Nickel said. We took the elevator and then when we got to the cafeteria we sat down on our seats, ofc Nickel and me were sitting together but i didn't mind so yeah... OJ put plates infront of us, Bacon with eggs what a classic one, Nickel wanted some bread along but OJ said "Get it youself lazy bones" Nickel frowned and rolled hizo eyes, i taped him "Want some help Nickel?" "Please."  I laughed  softly at his awnser so we went to the fridge and get the bread, "Balloon...can you toast it..?" "Ok!" After i toasted the piece of bread we went back to our seats and stared eating,almost eveyone finished because we were taking the bread ofc, when Nickel and i finished our breakfast i looked at him, I noticed bread crumbs on his face "Oh uhm Nickel- hehe- you uh-"  "What?" I reached Nickel's cheek and then wiped of the crumbs with my thumb.

《Nickels P.O.V》

When Balloon did that i blushed so hard. Then Balloon realized what he was doing he took his hands out ofmy cheeks and i could see he was blushing but i donknow if it was out or embarassment or he was just flustrated. But.... His hand felt so warm... so gentile... and- WAIT WHAT AM I THINKING-?! Calm down Nickle, its just stupid thoughts thats it. Breath in breath out, we sat there on awkard silence for a while until Balloon spoke up. "Uhm, we should start heading to our room-"

"Good idea"


"We both walked tot he elevator and Balloon pressed a button for the 3rd floor. When we got to our room we opened the door and both of us went to our own bed.

《Balloon's P.O.V》

We sat there for a while sitting in awkard silence. Nickel was scrolling through social media and I well I just sat there until Nickle decided to speak "Hey so uhmm...how was breakfast?"

When i heard Nickel saying this i could tell he wanted to start a conversation so i speaked to. "Well out of all the breakfast OJ could do he chosed a clasic one but it was good, yeah.. Good! Apart of what I did ofcourse.." I mutered the Last part so Nickle couldn't hear it. I got bored Nickel was still on the phone. I got an idea so i decided to tell Nickel thisidea i had "Oh uh i know a place were we can go, its a tree house! I usually write,draw,and do other things but i mostly write about what happens in my life or do poems!" I smiled and Nickel looked at me and he returned the smile

"Sure im bores of just seeing the Same memes everyday" he chukeled and i found that actually cu- uh funny so i chukeled to! "Ok! Follow me!"

Both of us hop out of our beds and went straight to the hotel's exit

We headed straight to the forest and then we enetered the forest. We went deeper until we got to the middle of the forest with a tree with a house painted in yellow, the roof red with white spots as a mushroom and with flowers too. It had a leader so we can climb to the tree house. I stared to climb the leader but Nickel let out an "AHEM" I looked down and saw Nickle with a eyebrow raised up. "Oh yeah i forgot you have to arms!" I giggled softly and them climbed down to get to Nickel, I carried him all the way up to the treehouse. "Ok, you ready?"


I opened the door and when we entered Nickel's jaw dropepd all the way down. I giggled at this sudden expresión and then told him "This is my little hideout...i come here often to write things and chill..."

"I love this place.. i-its so...alive!"

I smiled at this and then sat down on the corner with the pillows. I saw Nickel walk to a drawer and then he opened up. He picked up a paper and he seemd to read it..

The last writing i did was of how nobody cared about me..

I quickly snatched the paper and smiled awkardly then put i back to its place. Nickle looked at me concerned and with an eyebrow raised. Then i took another paper and sat back down where i was sitting.

"What are ya gonna do?" Nickel asked him and then i reply him "im gonna draw"

"Ok im gonna see what your gonna draw." I stared drawing and then after few minutes i showed Nickle the drawing. It was him... a drawing of him..

《Nickel's P.O.V》

Balloon showed me the drawing... I blushed at this because it was me... that was kinda cute of Ballon for- WAIT NO I MEANT IT WAS SWEET OF BALLON! YEAH SWEET! Then after that i smiled and stared talking about things and life..

*time skip to nighr bc im lazy as fudge* 

I looked outside the window and saw it was dark..."Balloon i think we should start heading to the hotel"

"Yeah good idea" Balloon told me and then we got out of the tree house..

We headed back to the hotel. Almost no one was awake because a lot of them were sleeping.. Balloon and i headed to our room and when we got there we jumped to our beds. "Good night Balloon..."

"Night Nickel..."

Balloon yawned and fell asleep so i did..

I loved this day..

◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇WOOH OHH 1104 WORD YEAHH🗣💯💯
(This part will prob have misplelling bc i didn't reread this so yeah)

Nickloon bc yeah😍😍Where stories live. Discover now