ACT III: Chapter 11

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"Your majesty!"

"What?" I stood up from the throne.

"We need ya to take a look at this."

I walked behind the guy as we headed out of the building we were in and out into the city.

"We saw somethin' flyin' in the sky and it was pretty low to the ground."

"Pretty low?"

"Yes. It looked like it was about to crash land in Junkertown."

"Who'd fly so low 'ere? Actually, who'd fly 'ere in general?"

"We don't know, but they crash landed not too far away."

When we reached the gates, they opened it up and we walked out into the Wastelands. There was smoke coming from the crash and I grabbed my gun, getting ready for anything. Stepping towards the large aircraft, the emblem on the side was something I didn't recognize. I gestured to the guy to check the door while I went towards the front. The glass was cracked and the pilot was resting against the chair. They were breathing heavily as there was some blood coming from a head wound. As I stepped closer, the blood stopped and the wound sealed up. Perplexed, I took a step back, raising my gun higher now, ready to shoot.

The person slowly blinked their eyes open. They were a deep red, almost like blood. Their hair stuck out as well, too. White like snow, even though I have only ever seen images of snow.

"Help," they croaked out before closing their eyes once more.

Scanning the state the glass was in, there wasn't an easy way for me to grab them. Setting my gun down, I grabbed Carnage from my back and swung at the glass, smashing it. I put the axe back where it was and stepped into the cockpit of the aircraft. Removing the seat belt that strapped the person in, I carefully lifted them up and into my arms. The guy who brought me out here grabbed my gun and we headed back to where I lived.

Once we reached my place, they set my gun down and was off. I closed the door with my foot and walked over to my bedroom, setting the person down. Their features, now that I could see them a bit clearer, were soft. But I questioned why they had white hair. It's not really natural to have white hair, unless there was a very light pigmentation of blonde, but even then, not really white.

Letting them rest, I grabbed my gun and headed back out, trying to decide what to do with the aircraft now. I guess we could scrap it for parts. Who knows what the Tinkers would do with that kind of equipment.

My eyes slowly blinked open and I found myself to be in someone's house. Slowly sitting up, I scanned the room. There wasn't really anything to be impressed about. Some clothes scattered on the floor, a guitar resting against dresser, and there were some posters of bands that I have never even heard of. Getting up, I wandered around the small house. There was a small kitchen and couch that were in the same room and a small TV sat in front of the couch with a coffee table in between the two.

About to take a step into the room, the door behind me unlocked and swung open. A large woman entered the house and she turned towards me. She smiled slightly, closing the door behind her.

"Someone's awake," she said, an accent to her voice.

"Where am I?" I bluntly asked.

"Seems someone wants to get to the point. Welcome to Junkertown," she said.

"Who are you?"

"The Junker Queen. You can simply call me 'Queen'."

"That's your real name?"

"No, but why would I trust ya with my real name when I hardly even know ya?" she asked. "What's your name?"




"Is that your real name?" she threw the question back at me.

"I don't know my real name. I've been called that for as long as I could remember."

"34," the Queen repeated to herself. "Sounds like you were someone's experiment."

"I was."

"Well, let's get ya out of those clothes. I don't think any of mine will be fittin' on ya."

"You're so tall for a woman. And muscular."

"Is that a bad thing?"

"No," I said.

"Good. You're startin' on my good side," she swung open the door once more. "I'll be back. I'm goin' to find ya somethin' to wear that isn't a hospital gown."

"Thank you."

She nodded and walked out of the house, closing the door. Well, now that I had to wait, I walked around the small house she had. For a queen, you would think she'd live in something a bit more spacious and grand. I guess she didn't want to stick out. Or just wanted to live a normal life aside from being the Queen of a backwater town. Junkertown. Where exactly was this place? I have never heard of it before and I was only flying out here because when I input a place far away from where I was, it took me here. I wonder why that was.

Returning about an hour or two later, the Queen walked into the house and closed the door with her foot. Finding me sitting on the couch, she set some clothes down on the table.

"Try these on. Bathroom is connected to my room," she pointed to her room.

"Thank you," I stood up and grabbed the clothes, walking towards her room.

I could have easily lifted the clothes up, but I didn't want to expose myself to her. I couldn't trust her right now with knowing what I am capable of. For all I know, she could be like Moira and want to use me for my powers. Use me for more experiments. Maybe she was connected to Moira and that's why I am out here. No. That's highly not likely. Moira is a smart woman. The Queen, she is probably smart in her own rights, but not scientifically inclined like Moira. Also I don't think I should anger this woman as she could probably take me out in one punch.

Standing in front of the mirror, I wore a ripped up short sleeve t-shirt and some jean shorts that had some suspicious stains on them. Or were they stained into the cloth itself? I couldn't tell. Well, it will have to do for now. This was all I could really wear.

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