🌶️ 36 ✦ Date Night in Snezhnaya ♥︎- Part 2

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🌶️ Spicy Chapter Alert!!!‼️ 🌶️

This might be extra spicy for some people but for me this is just SO Chilumi so it's necessary.🫶🏻 By the way this entire chapter is just NSFW so feel free to skip if you don't care for it! :)

🫶🏻 By the way this entire chapter is just NSFW so feel free to skip if you don't care for it! :)

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LUMINE STUMBLED FORWARD in the dark momentarily disorientated by the sudden teleport. The way he had let go of her arm so suddenly hadn't helped.

She felt a little mad at the way he had suddenly grabbed her and shoved her inside the room so abruptly.

"It was just a jo—" her sentence was interrupted by the ripping sound of the fireplace swiftly lighting up and she looked back at it hazily.

The sound of clothes hitting the floor echoed in the back of the room and her eyes followed the sound. The white Harbinger's cloak was laying on the floor. Her gaze looked towards Childe who was staring at her in a way that made her stand very still in place. Almost as if she couldn't move.

" What's.. going on.. are you mad?" She asked with uncertainty.

"Something like that." He replied in a dark tone.

His gray blazer fell to the floor and Lumine stared at it confusedly. He walked in her direction and all she could do was watch nervously as his hands reached over and opened her coat. He pushed it off her shoulders and he threw it to the side. The sound of it hitting the floor made her jump lightly.

"I don't understand.. what are you doing?" She looked at the coat crumpled in the corner with a confused frown.

"Showing you how wrong you are."

She turned to look at him completely stunned.

"Wh...what.." she mumbled in a shaky voice.

His hand reached over the leather harness that was wrapped around his chest tightly and his finger did a quick movement that unbuckled it. He lightly leaned back while keeping his angry narrowed gaze on her and the harness slipped off his shoulders. Her eyes followed it to the ground like she was bound to it.

Her heartbeat rose up quickly when his hands slowly unbuttoned each button on his shirt. Her lips slowly drifted open when it slid off his body and collapsed at his feet. She held her breath when her eyes brushed over his body.

She had seen him shirtless a few times already but none of these moments had been like this one. None of those moments could've ever compared to this one. She wondered if he was  just going to tease her for a little while but the tension in the air could've been cut with a knife. The way he was undressing right in front of her with that strange glare in his eyes was a lot more seductive than anything he had previously done. The way he stood and looked at her was like he commanded the entire room with this air of alpha, and she was completely bound in place and at his mercy.

Genshin Impact ; STARFELL (Chilumi main)Where stories live. Discover now