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one ghoulish night a girl was walking down a dark street around midnight, the darkness had taken over half of the streets, but she stayed by the glowing light of a streetlight, it was a dim yellow color but lit up enough of the sidewalk so she could see where she was going, since she always loved walking at night until she heard footsteps, they sounded near yet far, 

 she turned around, the night wind blew her brown hair into her face she couldn't quite see what was there, but she knew he was tall and well-built looking, but she couldn't see some of his features like his face and what he was wearing exactly, she just continued walking on thinking he was walking elsewhere but then he started following her until he yelled out "hey wait up!" she turned around and fully stopped.

he looks at her and smiles "this might be a bit creepy, but I just need to say this, you are absolutely gorgeous." he says, she slightly smiles at the compliment, but she's still confused, as he stepped into the light his brown eyes and mid length well-trimmed hair showed, he was wearing a white shirt and jeans "well thanks even though I don't know you" she said with a laugh, "oh sorry let me introduce myself in the right way" he stuck out of hand for a handshake, "I'm Cosmo, Cosmo sylvan, but you can't call me that in the ministry around any ghouls or Copia when i have my mask on,  but not like you'll be in the ministry unless you're invited by one of the sisters of sin or Copia himself, it would need to be a good reason of invitation." she nodded when he spoke,

 she shakes his hand "I'm Leni, but I'm just not going to ask any questions cause i have no clue what ghouls are and what you're talking about but i know what you're talking about when you said ministry." she softly said. 

"Well alright, you have a nice walk and be safe I recommend you head back home but yeah sorry for the weird meeting I just thought you were pretty and in need for a little chat" he giggled and turned around to leave, she turns to walk back home, once she gets home, she thinks about their encounter, she thought about how he smiled,

 the following day she got up out of bed and went to make coffee to help wake up, then as she was taking her first sip of her coffee her phone rang, she went over and answered it, a deep voice then said "hello, I assume you must be Leni, I am cardinal Copia I would love if you could come help out at the ministry today/" the man said, "of course i can what time do you want me over there" she softly asked "well in an hour would be amazing but whatever time suits you would be just fine" he said before hanging up, she went to go get ready and drove to the ministry.       

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