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after she got ready and hopped in her car she started driving to the ministry, once she got there Copia greeted her at the door "oh hello Leni! so glad to see you showed!" he said with a smile, he brings her inside to say hi to the ghouls, they all had these black masks on and black tinted lenses but they could still see from the inside but whoever was looking at the from the inside couldn't see their eyes, their whole faces were covered in the mask, there were nine of them yet one ghoul near the side doors couldn't keep his eyes off of her like he knew her and she for sure noticed, she just followed Copia nervously,

 Copia ended up putting her to work in the garden to help water and root the flowers to plant new ones, she was halfway done the job when a ghoul came along and reached his claw out and turned her face toward him "hey sweetie... its Cosmo but just call me rain for now" he said, his voice semi muffled from the mask her eyes widen and she rolls her eyes and the name "we barely know each other." she says kind of mad

 "who cares, cause I don't plus Copia would like it if you spent the night, we have plenty of rooms that's why I'm here" he said with a smirk "well I guess I'll stay there doesn't seem to be any reason why not." she says as she stands up, rain smiles then walks off, he waves her inside of leads her up to where her room is, "this is your room, right beside mine how useful." he said with another smirk "what do you mean useful" she asked raising her eyebrow at him "oh you'll see" he says before he leaves to let her settle into her room and get comfortable. 

she crawls into her bed and pulls the sheets over her since it was pretty dark out, she soon falls asleep tucked into the blankets, in the morning the sun shined on her eyes which made her stir and wake up she yawned and stretched as she sat up, she saw rain standing in front of her bed "hey sleepy, I assume you slept well with that stretch, it looked like it felt good" he said with a chuckle, she nodded sleepily as she got out of bed and stood up, 

rain then gently handed her breakfast "Copia had me give you a plate before it went cold" he said with a smile "well thanks you're his deliverer I'm guessing" she said with a laugh as she took her plate and sat down to eat it, rain sits beside her with a laugh "well maybe I am" he said with a smile as he watched her finish and throw her plate away,

 "Damn that was actually delicious" she said with a smile "you look delicious" he said with a smirk sliding her hand onto her waist "hang on your moving too fast" she gently moved his hand "I hate when you push me away but fine" he said in a huff as he walked out of the room, she leaves the room as well and goes to Copia.     

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 28 ⏰

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