Volume I: Act I

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It's the day most people of Panem dread, unless, of course, they're from the capitol. To them it's just a game, entertainment. In the lower districts, it's life or death. My district 10 family is just my father and me. He says my mother passed when I was a baby from an illness. Medicine is hard to come by, the markets only can get so much. The reaping of the 72nd hunger games is soon to begin. I surely have a lower chance of getting chosen than some others, but you can never be sure you won't get chosen.

"We'll have to go soon.." I say to my father, he paces slightly around our house.

He stops in his tracks and turns to me, "yeah, are you ready?"

Of course not, "yeah.."

We head out to the small square of district 10 where the reaping has taken place for all 71 years and soon, the 72nd.

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There has always been a lower chance of me getting chosen for the reaping then most other kids, but you never know with the hunger games.

As we get closer to the stage the reaping will take place, my father is separated from me. I look back while the peacekeepers guide me to all the other 17 year old girls until he is out of my sight. Our district announcer, Elita Darry begins her speech. The same one that has been said for years on end.

And her smile. That obnoxiously sweet smile. How can someone smile on such a day.

Our old winners Brandy and Bryon stand up there as well. They'd be mentors for whoever is chosen. I have no memory of there games, as they both won before I was even born.

Their faces are very different from Elita's. They seem crabby and upset, but who wouldn't be. They've had to go through years of kids and there hasn't been a winner in years.

It seems the further down your district is, the less victors you have. The career districts reek of victors everywhere, whereas district 12 has only had two ever, and only one is currently with us still.

I tune back in once Elita waves her hand around the glass bowl holding our names. She pulls out a slip of paper that seals one of the girls fate around me.

She walks back to the microphone and announces the reaped female, "Kyra, Everett"

You have got be kidding me.

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