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Thank you for reading Another Life.

Before we begin, I have a few things I would like to mention:

WARNINGS: This story may contain themes of violence, sexual assault, drug usage, death, suicide, self-harm, murder, mental illness...etc
and any other triggering topics that may have been shown in TVDU.

This book may also contain sexual scenes.

If you find reading about any of these topics triggering, I'd advise not reading this story.


This is a multi-oc story and new side characters may be introduced as the story progresses, but it is predominantly told from the perspective of our main character,

Isabella Parker

Fc: Blake Lively

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Fc: Blake Lively

Isabella (Issy) Parker, is the daughter of Joshua Parker and Lorelei Parker (mentioned only oc) and a gemini siphon witch.

Issy is 24 years old, in flashbacks to her childhood she is around 13-15 years old, unless otherwise stated.

Isabella's sexuality is fluid. She will be exploring relationships with both men and women throughout this story. Homophobic comments will not be tolerated, you will be blocked/muted.

Multiple love interests will be explored and teased throughout this book, but this is not going to be the main focus of this story.

Foul language may be used.

Issy isn't going to be a tone deaf, good as gold character and will make mistakes (even some I won't agree with), but my goal is to create a realistic and relatable character (as realistic as a witch surrounded by vampires can get anyway).


Any existing characters mentioned in this story belong to the respective creators of The Vampire Diaries Universe. Any other OCs belong to me.

This book will very loosely follow the plot of TVD (s5/6 onwards), but there will be some major/minor plot changes and maybe even some overlap into The Originals..due to the link between Issy and Hayley Marshall (you'll find out soon!).

'***' the three asterisks will represent either a short time jump or a change of character perspective within a chapter.

Thank you again, for reading Another Life. Votes and comments are very much appreciated,
I hope you enjoy.


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