33. Epilogue

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“I’m Curtis Thadeu, here to pick up a pair of rings I had ordered,” I told the attendant at the jewellery store. She typed on the keyboard for a second before turning to me.

“Can I have your order number please?” I took out my phone and she scanned over it. She excused herself for a few minutes before coming back with a jewellery box.

The rings were just as beautiful as I had imagined they would be. They were both black platinum bands each with an ‘S’ and ‘C’ inside an infinity loop insignia. It had taken me a while to find somewhere I could have them designed to my exact specifications.

I was about to walk out of the shop when my phone rang again.

“I’m on my way,” I said immediately I answered.

“I wanted to remind you about Klein’s lens. I know you’d be too excited when you saw the rings that you’d forget,”

“What rings? What are you talking about? I’m not getting rings. I just came to window shop, I don’t have any rings,”

“Baby, you are the worst person I know at keeping secrets. But don’t worry, I’ll act surprised,”

“Fuck you,”

“Was that a proposal or an insult?”

“I fucking love you, you know that?”

“I know and I love you. Now hurry up and bring that fine ass home. The sooner we get this party over, the sooner you and I can be alone,”

“I love your train of thought,”

“Don’t forget about the lens or Klein will have my head. You know how moody he’s been lately,”

“I’m getting into a camera shop as we speak,”

Thinking back on how I almost made the same mistake, I mentally face palm wondering how foolish I had been. When I made the decision to marry Fiona, it was because I’d wanted to give my son what I had but had been taken from me.

I, however, hadn’t put into consideration how lonely and pathetic I had been without Shane. Neither had I considered that I would have put Fiona in the same position my mom had been most of her married life.

My life didn’t revolve around Shane and the years we’d been apart proved that I could live without him. However, the moment I laid eyes on him at the hotel lobby, I realised that I needed him in my life.

He was my best friend and the love of my life. I had been miserable without him and only realised it after he came back into my life.

“…I won’t be coming back until you leave,” his words hit me hard and watching him walk away from me while that upset was something I never wanted to see. It felt like he was saying goodbye and it was going to be forever.

I couldn’t let him get away from me. Not again. I needed him in my life and I wasn’t scared to admit that but I was showing him that I didn’t.

It didn’t take me long to figure out what I wanted and immediately called my sisters and told them that I wasn’t going to go through with the plan to marry Fiona.

“We knew this was going to happen,” Cy said.

“Why do you think we told you to go tell Shane in person before proposing to Fiona?”

“Why didn’t you tell me that before I told Shane? Now he’s mad at me and I doubt he’ll take me back this time,”

“Because you’re stubborn that’s why and you always want to learn from your own experiences. Isn’t that why you hid your love from us?” Cat said

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