A problem with prehistoric Pokémon

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A problem paras still happens only Ash doesn't use charizard for obvious reasons guys,and gang are good with potions and antidotes. They change their Pokemon before leaving Carnival,Anyway enough of me talking let's get started with the chapter folks!))

[Ash wasn't sure what he hated more: the hot sun beating down on them, or the freezing night of the desert. The Quintet of traveling Trainers unfortunately had experienced them both, which completely drained them of their energy. The sweat that had poured from their bodies and made their clothes stick to them had now frozen. Sand was grinding uncomfortably in his shoes, his socks, and about a million other places that he didn't even want to say out loud. But they trekked on, dune after dune in the dark]

[Due Ash,Green ,Lexus and even Misty arguing about pretty much anything due to the heat Brock was unable to concentrate. They missed neon city as the Quintet mostly slept outside only training sometimes at night. Only thing worth knowing in this time frame was the fact Ash Gastly evolved into Haunter and couple of gang Pokemon learned new moves] 

((In other words no Jigglypuff nonsense))

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[Their trek through the woods was only a couple days, and it let them out and into the hot wasteland once again. But this time, it wasn't a desert they were walking through, but a beautiful canyon known as Grand Canyon. According to Brock's guide, it was an ancient wonder, and was often visited by people as a regular tourist spot]

[Our heroes come to a stop on the path as they noticed notice a large group of people heading into the canyon with picks in hand]

Ash:What's going on down there? [Ash asked rhetorically, also noting they all had packs on their backs]

Misty:I wonder what everyone's doing with those picks and shovels.

Green:Well,My guess is that they are looking for fossils.

Gary:Wow shocker,Don't you know anything? [A voice that wasn't Brock's but was familiar nonetheless spoke up, and Ash's eyebrows rose as he turned his head beside him to look at him. The owner of the voice was normally dressed in a long-sleeve purple shirt, but today, he was dressed in a khaki-colored shirt and brown pants, and over it a dark brown jacket. A brown hat was placed over his wild auburn hair, and he looked out from under the brim with a familiar smirk that made Ash's blood boil as he lifted a pick-ax onto his shoulder]Ash. Not only late as usual, but clueless, too. How do you put up with it Greenlight?

Green:It's night Gary,and idk Gary,but tell me how does anyone deal with your huge ego?

Gary:Duh,Because I'm awesome and unlike you guys I deserve it because I'm the greatest!

Lexus:Why are you dressed like that?

Gary:Don't tell me you never heard of the Pokemon Discovery? [he scoffed] Even a bunch of nerd's like you should have heard about the great fossil rush."

Quintet:The great fossil rush? [It seemed Nobody had any idea about it, but soon, Gary's cheerleaders broke from the line of people and began to cheer loudly for everyone to hear]

Cheerleaders:Gary, Gary, he's our man! If he can't find them, no one can!

Gary:Thank you, thank you to all my loyal fans! [he waved to them with a bright smile on his face, and when he lowered his hand, he was mostly talking to himself than Ash] I gotta go. I gotta find all the fossils quick before anyone else does [Gary then sneered at Ash with a cocked eyebrow] Can't waste my precious time hanging around with a bunch of losers like you.

AshLosers?! [Ash spat, and knowing what was going to happen, Brock wrapped his arms around the younger boy as he lunged forward to keep him from attacking Gary] That... know-it-all! [Once he was out of lunging territory, Ash broke free of his friend's full-nelson and let out a frustrated yell before whipping around and looking at Brock with a fire in his eye that the Pokemon Breeder only tended to see when Ash's childhood rival was around]

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