Chapter 1

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Izuku Midoriya and Katsuki Bakugou are neighbours and childhood best friends as well.

There mothers, Inko Midoriya and Mitsuki Bakugou were old friends as well, so it was bound to happen that these two would become friends as well.

The two boys also had similar interest, like their passion for cars, watching videos about how the car engines work, listening to the roar of the engines, even on occasion the two boys at the time were in elementary school would also get the two mothers to take them to the car showcases event, when one is happening in their home city, Musustafu.

The two childhood friends are now in the last year's of their highschool. The two now young adults are sitting on the rooftop of their school, enjoying the breeze of the cool air, Bakugou listening to Music on his airpods, while Izuku is reading a car magazine.

Suddenly, an idea came into Izuku's mind.

Izuku: "Hey, Bakugou, have you ever thought about working on cars? Like, rebuilding them from scratch?"

Bakugou: "Really Nerd? What made you come up with that idea?"

Izuku: (rubbing the back of his head) Well we both want a Car of our own right? Why not build one ourselves? That way we'll be able to know what kind of car we want to drive. (Eyes sparkling a bit) Imagine creating something powerful and fast with our own hands?

Bakugou: (takes out one of his airpods and looks at Izuku) Hmm, never thought about it that way.

Izuku: And what's even better that we could make our dream car as well.

Bakugou: (grinning) Alright, now that you mention about building our own dream cars, I'm totally in now.

Izuku: Then it's settled, we'll hit the Scrapyard look around for our some car body after school's over.

Bakugou: Fine just let me call the old hag and let her know that I'm coming home late.

Izuku: You know you shouldn't call Aunt Mitsuki that Kachaan.

Bakugou: (dialling the number on his phone) Shut up Deku. (presses the call button)

Mitsuki: (picks up the phone) What? Need me to come to school 'cause you got in trouble?

Bakugou: No. Just calling to tell you I'll be coming home late today. Maybe for the following week as well.

Mitsuki: Any particular reason why?

Bakugou: Just me and Deku working on a project of ours, is that good enough?

Mitsuki: Hmmm. Fine, but be back before dinner time, got it Brat?

Bakugou: Yeah yeah, whatever Old Hag. (hangs up the phone)

Izuku: (looking at Bakugou) So?

Bakugou: I'm good to go Nerd. What about you and Aunt Inko?

Izuku: My mom gonna come home late, so I can do what I want after school as well.

Bakugou: Nothing telling something to Aunt Inko? Now that's a first for me.

Izuku: Come on Kachaan. I'm not those kind of kids who tells their parents everything.

Bakugou: ............I thought you were.

Suddenly, the school bell ring signaling the end of the lunch break. Izuku and Bakugou looked at each other for a second then ran towards their next class, as the class was of maths and their teacher, Shota Aizawa, was the most strict one of all the teachers in the school to say the least.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 17 ⏰

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