Chapter 3 I'm A Witch

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"No! Please! Wake up!" I scream, shaking the cat gently. He doesn't open his eyes. His leg wound bleeds profusely, drenching my clothes in blood. He's dead, I think. He's dead, and it's my fault. Blinking away tears that blur my vision, I search for the man who did this, but he's nowhere to be found. Am I really safe?

The world around me seems oblivious to my pain. Birds chirp above, and the sky is a brilliant blue. The scent of flowers fills the air, while water babbles in a nearby fountain. My heart aches as I take a step away from the cherry tree behind me.

Before me lies a stone path, but I see no openings in the honey-coloured wall. In the distance, however, I can see the numerous towers of a great castle. There must be a way in. He can't die because of me.

"Stay with me," I whisper to the cat, cradling him close to my chest. "You can't leave me like this."

My body trembles, each breath coming in ragged gasps as I fight to stay calm. As I shiver, I notice a parasol, chairs, and a table adorned with sandwiches and teacups not far from me. A woman strides towards the table, her dazzling golden gown shimmering in the sunlight. She's carrying a cake carefully in her arms.

"Help! Please!" I cry out, my voice quavering with desperation.

The woman freezes, fear contorting her face as the cake slips from her grasp and crashes to the ground. She hoists her skirt, rushing over to me. "Nyx!" she exclaims, placing one hand on the cat's head and another on my shoulder.

"He's not waking up..." I inform her.

Her clear eyes lock onto mine. "Are you hurt?"

"No, but his leg..." I trail off, unable to tear my gaze away from Nyx's still form.

The woman's eyes narrow as she examines Nyx's wound, her eyebrows knitting together with concern. She cradles him gently yet securely in her arms, like a mother holding her sick child. "Follow me," she says, determination lacing her voice, soothing my panicked heart.

Her worry for the injured cat is palpable, and I can't help but feel an odd sense of camaraderie towards this stranger. There's something about her that feels familiar, comforting even. But how could that be? We've only just met.

I trail behind her through the castle's inner garden, marvelling at the vibrant colours and fragrances that envelop us. It feels almost surreal, given the circumstances. We approach the castle's wall, where a small gate is half-hidden by cascading vines.

With a swift, powerful kick, she sends the door flying open, revealing a dimly-lit corridor beyond. Oil lamps flicker, casting eerie shadows on the walls as we hurry down the passageway. My heart races, but I trust this mysterious woman; she's the only hope for saving Nyx.

We come to a halt in front of a cloth banner hanging on the wall. The coat of arms depicted on it catches my eye: a shield adorned with flowers and held by two cats, with a blossoming cherry tree taking centre stage. Below, the words "Ver Aeternum" are inscribed. Shame I don't know Latin.

The woman pushes the banner aside, revealing a wooden door. She opens it and we step inside a small room. The space feels intimate, filled with an assortment of old furniture and hanging flowers.

"Open the chest. Give me the leaves and the mortar," the woman commands, her voice firm yet gentle. I don't hesitate to obey her, my heart still pounding from earlier events.

The room is a quaint, mysterious space filled with all sorts of trinkets and plants that give off an eerie, whimsical aura. As I approach the large wooden chest by the unlit fireplace, a sense of urgency washes over me. Inside it, amongst various belongings such as books, a coat, and a peculiar mirror, I find the bag of dried leaves and the mortar she asked for.

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