Chapter 12

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Dad had been out for almost an hour now. I had thought of calling him but that would have interrupted the meet so, I waited. Waited. Feels like an eternity now since my curiosity has been literally pushing me to go out and become the cat that it kills. I texted Sally about his going and that I'd tell her when he returns. She has left it on read. But why am I worrying so much? Because I think it'll lead to some answers related to mom? Alright. I sat with my school assignment which is due tomorrow and started with the first question. Don't worry, I can complete it. It's just twenty quest- "What! Twenty freakin' questions?" "This is not fair. They should have told us earlier. Who'll make them understand that we're no robots to be able to complete an assignment of twenty questions that too history in a day." I sat with my head rested on my palm over the desk, overthinking. I know this is not to be done right now but, I can't avoid it. I don't 'overthink' intentionally. I just start to 'think' its only when I do not stop 'thinking', it leads to 'overthinking'. It is a world of which citizens are called overthinkers. You don't really need food or oxygen directly here but yeah; you can't enter it while you're dead. It doesn't need any passport or visa but just a mind that wanders more than others not known as 'overthinkers'. I don't hold its citizenship proudly because it can lead to depression and things like that but I am floating here right now. No gravity to pull me back. No atmosphere to block me. But wait. What was I thinking? Ugh! Come back Evelyn. The wall in front of my desk appeared as the thin layer of haze disappeared. I felt like I was conscious again. Looking down, I saw I had to complete the assignment. My head fell on the desk with my forearms guarding it over. That's when I heard the door click open. Dad! I thought and energetically got off my chair to know about their discussions. He was welcomed with my curios face.

He had a weird expression hung on his face. It was hard to predict what was in his mind. Was it bad or was it good? I went towards the couch opposite to the one he kept his bag on and sat, arms crossed with my right leg over the left one. It was an attempt to remind dad that he had to explain. When he looked at me, I raised my right eyebrow demanding the answer. He saw me and sighed, "Remember the boy you told me about? His name's Rowan. He had written the article. The hospital staff told us about the boy visiting his dad daily. But it was at different times every day making it hard to talk to him. So today, they called the police when he came and they followed him. That's how he was caught today." Though his iteration was not complete yet, I was already filled with questions. "I know." He spoke. "You'll get your answers. We questioned him everything plausible. It was when his dad exited his house, he was attacked. Rowan went to their balcony to see him off and saw him surrounded by men in black. Luckily, he managed to capture the ambush without being caught. He posted the article online but since he made his account that very moment, it could not reach a large mass." So it was true. I thought as I asked, "Then why did he remove it? And, why do the news agencies not know about it?"

"He said he never removed it since he wanted everyone to know the truth. And the agencies will be questioned soon."

"What? Then who removed it? Did he know about it or someone who would've done this?"

"Nope. He himself was shocked to know that and couldn't think of anyone who could do."

"That's bizarre." I said with a disgusted expression, leaning forward on the couch putting my right leg back to place.

"I know. I wonder what bizarre excuse the news agencies would have." I heard him say in the background when I got lost in my thoughts again. This doesn't lead us to even close to mom. Wait, "Did he see his father meeting someone?" I asked as I remembered that his dad's fingerprints were found to be resonating with the ones recorded.

"His father usually worked from morning to night so he wasn't there with him much. But, as far as he remembered, no."

"Then how did he get his prints on the tracking device?"

"I was thinking on that all the way back. I don't know. Looks like we have a lot of work this time."

"I suggest we start by emailing the various agencies our query and going to their offices if not responded." I said with a firm voice. I searched the web to pen down the names of the portals to be enquired. A total of eleven names were collected. Next, I noted their email-ids and submitted to dad. His eyes sparkled as he took the paper. "You've grown up Evy." He spoke. "Oh dad, come on. Of course I would." I said with a soft giggle and an 'obviously' expression. That's when Lilly entered with coffee for dad and herself. This is usually an evening routine. Is it evening already? I thought as I remembered about my pending assignment. Disappointed, I drooped and walked towards the desk. Only the internet can save me now. Atleast I won't have to look for the answers and whack my brain. Thanks to Lilly, dad's busy. Let's gooooo.

I was only half-way done when my phone ringed. Sally? Oh right, I had to tell her about dad's discussion. I picked it up and started, "I am so sorry Sally, I almost forget to tell you about it. Remember the worksheet due tomorrow?"

"Tell what? Oh, your dad's meet. Leave it. I've got a much bad news."

"Why? What happened?"

"The boy's dad died."

I was not very surprised keeping in mind his condition. "But...anticipated. Remember even the doctor said he had severe injuries and a very less scope." But I was disappointed loosing the only way to find out about the tracker. "Anyway," and I told her about everything dad and I talked yet. She was just as shocked.

"So, what now?"

"I don't know. Everything depends on their responses. I'll update you as things move."

"Alright. Don't do the assignment too late. Sleep well today. Good night."

"Yup. Good night!"

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