EP 3 Disaster beast

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They would walk towards the girl in black carrying a halberd unlike anything they seen before

Mark would cough: (okay I say it like this): "who are you?"

Rimuru: "and why are you if you don't mind answering"

Rory: "well I was passing by and you may call me Rory Mercury, I wonder where are you guys from and where are you going"

Ayla: "hmm that's hard to explain" soon it seems some kids would get off the carriage and walk towards the apostle

Ayla: "are they praying" it seems her expression changed as her teeth show

Meta knight: "Ayla this is a different world with different beliefs like in the north"

Ayla: "I see then, I just don't understand those types"

The kid: "hello Oracle, we're from Koda village"

Rory would look towards the soldiers as she noticed the difference types of races in this army as well as their different armor with sun symbols, Beast symbols and mountain Lady

"What about those with strange banners"

Mark: "well that's hard to explain but basically we're escorting them"

Nori: "pretty much lady, though something tells me you want to hear the villagers word on it"

Rory: "that's right, some people can lie you know" she turns towards the kids: "so they aren't forcing you to come along?"

The kid: "no a flame dragon came and they're helping us to escape"

Mark: "so then Rory I guess you're going to ride on the carriages, they're a bit more comfortable than the Carts"

The kid: "or maybe those horses, they can carry multiple people"

Zenberu: "go back the Cart with the others we're going now, you'll deal with the girl"

Weiss would sign as she would return back to her horse: "it's good we're not enemies, just pick any spot so we can continue our journey"

Rory: "any spot huh" soon they would get on their horses as Mark would sit on his horse as Mark felt someone in front of him as she place her axe in a cart as it seems only the strongest could lift it up

Mark: "what are you doing"

Soon the Valor soldiers eyes were of shock of the Audacity of this Girl as they would get their spear ready

Ivry: "what are you doing!?"

Rimuru: "so that's the spot she chose huh, guess it's happening again"

Mark: "couldn't you pick someone else besides me"

Rory: "why is everyone acting very aggressive?"

Nori: "well basically Mark here, that's his name is the Leader of this group and King of our world's Kingdom of Valor"

Rory: "oh well you never announced it"

Mark: "well I never needed to and when is it common sense to sit in front of the rider of a horse, if you really want to ride with me ask and go behind me, you're more Nori's type"

Nori: "really now, even though you're not necessarily wrong"

Rimuru: "oh didn't know you were into Gothic girls"

Nori: "wait that's what Gothic means!?"

Weiss: "best we tell her about some things about our world to at least understand the basics and she tells us what she knows"

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