What did you say ? Asked Nam shocked
You hear me right Joonie, Kiss me then hold me tight as much you can he answered
No Jimin, you're drunk, don't say things
Maybe I am but I know what I want, please
No, you will regret this later
I'm not going to,
Still, it's not rig.....
Joon got cut by a pair of lips on his, his eyes widened a little, he tried to push him but the other tighten his grippe not wanting to let go .
Cause of the slight pression of the alcohol he has drink he couldn't think right straight he eventually gave up and kiss back,
not gonna lie he has dream about those lips on his after all, he just can't believe it was happening. They parted away,Jiminie...
Joonie, do you know that I like you ? He said looking at him ,
Y-you do ? He asked not knowing if he hear it right or if he was imagining things
Yes, pretty much Monie ...
I-I like you too..
Jimin then attached their lips once again,
the kiss was sweet slow and then become wild.
The make out went for a while as their hands found their way to each other's hips and hair.
Joonie take me, make forget and make me yours.
As you want baby, Gladly .
Their clothes were all over the floor, in a blink of eyes......And it was a fantastic and sure a long night that was shared......(>_<)
Joon was the first to wake up, he smile fondly as he stared at the sleeping face in his arms,
you're so cute do you know ? he said.
He stay a while before getting up to take a shower and have some coffee.A while later Jimin too wake up .
Ah my head he said , what happened yesterday ?
Suddenly he has flash back of things that happened.
Oh no , what have I done ? What to do now ? He said as he got up from the bed rushing his fingers through his hair.Jiminie, you're awake, good morning Nam said to Jimin who came out finally. How are you ?
Not bad and you ?
I'm fine, want some coffee ? He answered with a smile.
No, um Joon we need to talk , he said not looking at him.
What is it Minie, you look serious..
Forget it Joon.
What do you mean ?
I mean what it means Joon, you have to forget everything that happened last night.
You're serious ? How could I...
You have to, that is it.
B-but I thought you like me , you said it yourself...
Even if I said that it doesn't mean anything, we were drunk remember ?
But I like you ,
No you can't, that can't happen ok ? Forget it
But I do love you, I really do Jiminie...
Stop it already Namjoon, stop I don't want to hear a thing about it again.
He stands up at his words and go to his room not letting the other speak more. Broken Nam too stand up and went out.
He fell on his bed as his tears make their way down, he can't hold back anymore . He didn't think it would go so bad.
Thanks for reading 🐱 lob u 🕊️💜💜. See you 😶

Kiss me ~ Minimoni ff
FanfictionWhat did you say ? You hear me right Joonie, Kiss me , Then just hold me as tight as you can .... A cool story that I got you. It is really interesting 🤔.... Well I'm proud of it so it might definitively be. Read and support 🤩 thank you 🕊️💜💜 ...