032. this year i'm gonna be mean

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ACT TWO, chapter thirty—two :just turned fourteenand i think this yeari'm gonna be mean

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ACT TWO, chapter thirty—two :
just turned fourteen
and i think this year
i'm gonna be mean


The Hogwarts Express chugged along through Scotland. 

The last days of summer had been at first very eventful, and then very un—eventful.

With Harry unconscious, Lili had been left to simply cradle his head until someone found them amidst the ash and darkness. Then, the Dark Mark had been cast by a faceless figure in the night. Even now, she could hear that sickening shout, 'Morsmordre!' That was stressful enough without being also almost cursed by Ministry wizards.

Bloody Ministry of Magic.

Sev had come to collect them from the campground before the last of the fires had even gone out. But he hadn't been there, when it happened. That mattered to Lili, more than she could say. Sev had talked very, very seriously with Mister Weasley for a few moments before sternly directing Harry and Lili to hold onto him and Apparating them back to safe, smelly Cokeworth.

Lili had Apparated before, but it still made her nearly vomit every time.

In any case, Sev had kept them safely sheltered in Spinner's End for the last few days of summer, no one spoke of what had occurred at the Cup, and then her father personally delivered them to the train station — while Polyjuiced, of course. Now, the Golden Quartet were back to their usual routine.

Merlin, but she hoped for a calm year at Hogwarts.

Harry and Ron were chatting about their hopes for the Gryffindor Quidditch team this year Hermione's nose was buried in a newspaper with the massive headline written at the top: TERROR AT THE WORLD CUP. Lili tried to ignore the moving image of the Dark Mark and instead sketched the four of them sitting together in the cabin. It looked rather good actually...

"Anything from the trolley, dears?"

Lili's head popped up when the sweet trolley stopped by their cabin, the friendly—faced old woman smiling in on them. A liquorice wand and some iced pumpkin juice sounded brill. She dug a hand into the pocket of her leather jacket, tapping her fingers against the few Sickles Sev had given her for the train ride. He'd been fussy about it all, wanting to make sure she could afford what she wanted. Really, he was so odd about money sometimes.

Lili stood in their makeshift line, waiting her turn behind Ron and Harry.

"Packet of drewbals and a liquorice wand." Ron requested before noticing he'd not enough Sickles. Blushing bright red, he mumbled, "On second thought, j—just the drewbals."

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