Chapter 3

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On a little sidenote, the Modest! Management boss is played by Alan Dale (Charles Widmore in LOST) because he is mr Widmore :)

He was scared of turning around, he didn't know what he would see if he did, he knew who it was though "Harry?" He said with a shaky voice, he didn't know what was going to happen, but something in his mind told him that it wasn't going to be good

"What the fuck was that?" Harry asked "why the hell did you do that? How is Modest going to react?" Louis could see the fear in his eyes, Harry indeed was scared, that had never happened before, he was terrified

"Hey, Harry, calm down, everything's gonna be okay" he said before his phone started ringing, he took his iPhone 6 in his tiny hand and read "fucked up management, this will never not be funny" he said before picking up "hello?" He said cautiously

"Mr. Tomlinson, come to our office right now and take mr. Styles and miss Calder with you!" A man said, he sounded angry, but Louis didn't care, he did what made him and Eleanor happy "Don't think that you're going to be free to date mr. Styles" the man said before hanging up

The drive to the office was silent, it was better like that, they got in front of the office and got out of the car

Louis and Harry sighed "well, we're here" Eleanor said "c'mon Louis, take his hand, make them angry" she said making Louis smirk evilly

"Hello mr. Tomlinson, it's nice to see you" a woman in her thirties said "mr. Widmore is waiting for you"

"He said that I had to bring Eleanor and Harry with me" Louis said

"He will talk to mr Styles later, he wants you to go to his office with miss Calder" the woman said

Louis and Harry looked at each other and Louis peeked Harry's lips making the boy blush before letting go of his hand and saying "I'll be back soon babe" after that, he left with Eleanor, leaving Harry smiling while looking at his boyfriend's- if they could call each other that- back

Louis and Eleanor walked to mr. Widmore's office "I'm sorry for getting you in this" he said before knocking the door, he was shaking, but c'mon the fans wouldn't leave him or the boys because of that, right?

"Mr. Tomlinson, miss Calder, come in" mr Widmore said with a sympathetic smile which Louis would've returned, but he just couldn't stand that man for so many reasons "I heard that you two broke up. Is that true?" Louis swallowed hard and Eleanor nodded "take a seat, I need to talk to you two" the boys sat on two typical office chairs and mr. Widmore proceeded "I'm going to make this clear mr. Tomlinson, you can't make your own decisions, I do so here's the deal, or you get back with her or another girl, or someone will be fired from One Direction, it's your choice"

Louis' world fell on top of him "What if I don't get a girl? What will happen then? Who will leave the band?" He was shocked, he had too many questions in his head, he felt his hands starting to sweat, he was dizzy, he felt like throwing up

"It's not just who will leave the band mr Tomlinson, you will no longer be able to interact with mr Styles again" Louis and Eleanor were confused

"But, sir, how are they not going to interact if they're onstage together almost every night? They live together" Eleanor felt betrayed, god, how could she trust that man and make Louis and Harry feel miserable?

"They won't interact onstage and one of them will move" Louis' eyes widened

"Okay, fuck Modest! Management and everyone you may have around this company, you can't make me change my feelings towards someone by telling me that you'll fire one of the guys, I'm so fucking done with your bullshit" Louis yelled, he couldn't take this anymore, they were trying to make him stop loving Harry just because they are some homophobic company, what the hell

He was out of his mind now, his brain wasn't the one controlling him anymore, it was his heart and his feelings for Harry the ones who made him flip the table and punch mr Widmore on the face




"Is this?"


I hope you liked it, if you did, vote and leave a comment saying what you think will happen next (who knows, you might guess it)

Sorry if it took long, i went out with my sister and im quite exhausted, but im updating for you to enjoy it and hopefully get Larry feels

Thanks for reading and next part will be up tomorrow

Mire x

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