Chapter 19

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"Love? Is there something bothering you?" Harry asked, snapping Louis out of his thoughts, they were walking down the London streets, there wasn't a lot of people around, and they were all mostly old people or too rich to care about two guys who were in the biggest boyband in the world holding hands, it was quite cold since it was a day before Harry's birthday

Louis looked at his boyfriend and smiled "no, everything's fine" he kissed Harry's cheek and pulled him next to an empty bench and sat on it pulling him down"what do you want to do tomorrow babe?"

"You pick, I want it to be a surprise" the taller boy sat down and Louis laid his head on his shoulder

"I don't want to risk you not liking your 22nd birthday present" he said softly, a few minutes past, silence between them, until someone interrupted them, they feared something bad, but that was nothing compared to what it really was

"Harry Styles?" A voice said approaching them

Both guys looked up and their eyes met with a police officer's blue eyes, he was on his late thirties, "yes?" He asked cautiously

"You need to follow me to the precinct" the man said calmly

Louis frowned and looked at Harry "why is that sir?" The youngest said politely

"You are under arrest"

"WHAT?" Louis felt anger filling him, this couldn't be happening, this was like some nightmare and he would just wake up as soon as the man handcuffed Harry or something, that didn't happen, the man handcuffed Harry and shoved him inside the car "what the fuck are you doing?!" Louis pushed the officer back

"Louis it's okay" Harry tried calming his boyfriend down but there was no way Louis would be calm without Harry


Liam and Niall got home after a long and tiring day of writing "Today was a great day" Niall said opening the door to their band house

"More like exhausting, but yeah" Liam replied walking to the kitchen, followed by Niall "What do you want for- what's that?" He asked as he heard a door slamming up the stairs "there's no one home, Louis and Harry were going out tonight"

Niall was as confused as Liam, it was impossible that either of them was there, Louis said not to wait up for them so they couldn't be home

"It came from Louis' room" Niall said as he followed a rushed Liam up the stairs "Why are you going so fast? If there's someone you'll die earlier than you should man"

"Do you want someone in your place at night without your acknowledge?" Liam said, smirking when Niall didn't say anything "figured" he said getting to Louis' door

The young lads frowned as they heard soft crying on the other side of the door "is that what I think it is?" Niall asked having a little idea of what was going on inside their band mate's room

Liam opened the door slowly, the lights were off, but they could see someone laying on the bed crying "Louis?" Liam said softly

"Go away" Louis said without looking up or turning on the light

"We're not going anywhere Louis, what's wrong? You can tell us whatever is bothering you" Niall said not really knowing what to do, Louis sounded broken, more than the last time he'd seen him cry, which was the day he found out about him and Harry

"We'll help you if you let us" Liam said walking carefully towards the oldest's bed and sitting on the end of it

"I highly doubt you can help" Louis said, he turned the light on as he sat up and looked at Liam with red-rimmed eyes, he looked completely broken, Niall walked to Louis and sat on the lad's other side, Liam hugged him as Niall rubbed his back soothingly

Unbroken (a Larry Stylinson fanfic) {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now