037. and the snakes start to sing

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ACT TWO, chapter thirty—seven :rats come out of the holes they call homeand i fall apartand the snakes start to sing

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ACT TWO, chapter thirty—seven :
rats come out of the holes they call home
and i fall apart
and the snakes start to sing


The Third Task came faster than they'd hoped.

At sunset, it was time for the champions to gather. Their friends had already taken their seats, but Lili couldn't quite get herself to leave. She stayed close to Harry outside the stadium and hedges, straightening and re—straightening with his black and red shirt — Gryffindor colours, she realised distantly.

"I'm gonna be okay," Harry told her after a while of her fidgeting, smiling slightly.

"Obviously," Lili totally lied, chewing nervously on her bottom lip. She peeked up at him through her lashes and murmured, "Harry?"

He raised his brows, "Yea?"

"Don't worry about winning, just..." Her heart was in her throat. "Just come home safe, all right?"

"Yea. All right."

Lili smiled slightly, glanced this way and that, and then she leant close to press a kiss to his cheek. Harry held very still and seemed to lean into it. She'd seen Fleur do it after the Second Task, and it seemed like a good idea now. By the happy flush to Harry's face, she knew she'd been right.

"Kiss me better later?" She requested.

He smirked, "Count on it."

Soon, she was hustled back to her seat by Dumbledore, and she eased nervously into a seat between Hermione and Ron. The Beauxbaton girls were dancing, the Durmstrang boys were beating their chests, and the Hogwarts band was playing loud and clear. Each champion was escorted by their family down to the maze, and poor Harry didn't have anyone but Mad—Eye Moody and the Headmaster. It made Lili's heart hurt.

As Dumbledore gave out the instructions for the Final Task, the girl kept fidgeting in her seat and tugging nervously on her plaits. Her arm was aching bad today, and she'd a headache like no other. Before she could think of finding Sev and asking for a Headache Draught, her vision suddenly whitened, her head lolled back, and with her own black eyes staring back at her, she heard a whisper of a murky voice:

"Ah, Lilium Snape... How I've wondered what side you'd fall on..."

The boom of a cannon brought Lili back. She jolted back upright in her seat, gasping as she realised she was back in the stadium in front of the maze. It seemed that Filch, as usual, had set off the cannon way too early, and Dumbledore could only sigh.

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