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Ten fingers are digging deep into the tiles, so firmly that her wet fingertips are slowly turning white from the pressure. She can't dare look up, her mind clearly lost in this moment. She's physically here, but her mind has left this rainfall shower minutes ago. All she feels, is this ever growing sensation in her lower region, his huge finger prints on her curves, and the sound of his exhausted groans in her ear. Hot water is running down her back, her neck, wet strands of her own hair in her eyes. She lets her head fall back then, feels his hand moving up, grabbing her left breast in the most primal way he knows. And it does something to her. It pushes her a step further towards that tip of the mountain she's climbing.

"Fuck, baby..." is all she can hear now, besides the noise of hot water falling onto the marble floor of his shower. And then, suddenly, it happens. She feels herself letting go, moans loudly once and starts to see stars. But then, there's another moan audible to her. A few cursed words and his hands squeezing her body as tight as humanly possible. She tries to breathe steadily again but it's tougher than she expected. Her body is in a completly different state than usually when she showers. She feels her knees starting to shake. For a second, she even worries that she might pass out. But then, she can feel him pull away, help her turn around. His smile erasing all these anxious thoughts from a second ago. He smiles his widest smile, the water from the shower still running down his face, his nose, his mouth and his shoulders. His smile does something to her. With shaking hands, Taylor frees her forehead from her wet bangs and he appreciates it. He appreciates that he's able to get closer to her now, holding her naked body securely in his arms, kissing her bare forehead. He lets go after a second, still smiling and kisses her lips gently. His kisses are so different than they were a few minutes ago. All the lust has died down, and instead he's as gentle as he can be. She sighs exhaustedly into the wet kiss, her hands now wandering onto his neck. He's so tall, yet so gentle. His hands firmly around her back, slowly making their way down her ass.

"I think we're clean now." he mumbles against her lips then, still grinning at her, right before stopping the water from running. She nods, appreciates him reaching for the towel just when she was about to get cold from the absence of the hot water she grew so accustomed to these past minutes. And she enjoys her princess treatment fully. Him wrapping the soft grey towel around her body, rubbing his hands over the fabric to warm her up. She still doesn't speak, knows that she seems a bit quiet in this moment. But it's been the mindblowing orgasm he gave her moments ago. Her brain is still slow. She's still in a different universe than the one he is in. She's impressed every time how physically and mentally active he is after sex, when all she wants to do is pass out on top of him and take a good nap.

Taylor steps onto the bath mat laying right in front of the shower and starts to dry herself up. They both don't speak much right now. Travis leaves the bathroom first, steps barefoot into his master bedroom. She can hear his steps on the carpet. Looking in the bathroom mirror, she starts massaging her wet hair with the soft towel. She knows that her curls will come out in all their glory today if she won't be blowdrying them. But that's okay. Today, it's okay.

"Here." she hears him behind her. She turns around for a second, finds him standing in the door way fully naked. A view she's gotten used to by now. He just places one of his KC shirts on the counter next to the sink. Right on top of his shirt, one of her fresh thongs neatly folded up. She looks at him with the towel still covering her body. She can't help but smirk, looks from the thong back to him.

"What?" he says, knows exactly why she looks this way. "I was doing laundry last week and found it in my laundry basket. So I washed it with my stuff."

"And.. then you folded it for me?" she asks, making Travis laugh quietly.

"Yes, and?"

"Nothing." she says, a little giggle escaping her mouth.

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