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"Wally come on!We got to clean the room."Arty shouted from the room."Do we have to?"Wally whined."Yes!This place isn't going to clean itself."Artemis said.

"Fine."Wally groaned.

Artemis grabs the windex bottle and goes to the kitchen to clean the bottle and put blue Gatorade in the bottle.Artemis comes back in the room pretend to clean. Then walks up to Wally and sprays the Gatorade in her mouth.

"Arty?What are you doing?!That stuff is poisonous!"Wally yelps."Wanna try this?"Artemis asked him."Give me that" Wally said as he snatched it away from Artemis."Can I have one more drink?Pretty please?"Artemis said as she gave him puppy dog eyes.

"NO!"He replied.Artemis starts laughing and he replies with 'What?'

"You got pranked!"Artemis said to see Wally's face still in shock.
"I told you there would be consequence."She continued.

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