A Turn For The Worse

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"It's not what it looks like-"

You slammed the door in his face before hurrying out of the appartment. You were half-way down the hall when he had suddenly grabbed your wrist, preventing you from going any farther. How he had managed to put pants on in such little time suprised you.

"Listen, Ai, she came on to me." He pleaded with you; you glanced his way and saw the desperation in his eyes.

"T-That's not what it looked like!" You accused as you ripped your hand out of his hold. Tears were streaming down your face but you did nothing to stop them. "We were e-engaged! How-How could you?" You hand sped up to your mouth as a sob wrecked its way out; you felt yourself breaking down, very quickly.

"...Fine." Your eyes snapped up from their gaze on the floor when he spoke. His dark brown eyes held nothing but anger, and his expression was that of disgust. "You weren't worth it, anyways. You're so selfish and clingy. Why I ever thought you were appealing -- you aren't even attractive." Those harsh words struck the first blow, and you felt your knees give out beneath you. You were now sobbing uncontrolably, and he just stood there -- not a care in the world. "Not to mention how needy you are." He grumbled. "And now you're being a crybaby." He sighed and you watched as he headed back into his appartment. "Don't bother coming back, ever." You flinched when he slammed the door behind him. Thoughts were racing through your mind as you forced yourself to your feet.

Did you diserve this?

How did you ever love him?

You slowly made your way down the hallway, then into the elevator, and eventually out of the building. It was close to ten at night, meaning that the sidewalks would be nearly vacant. You gritted your teeth as the cold wind blew against your jacket-less form. You cursed yourself for forgetting your jacket in his appartment, but who were you to know that everything would go downhill? With a sigh, you trekked your way through the snowy street as you tried calming down.

You were betrayed.

You had walked in on him and one of his co-workers doing the deed, something you never expected. Now, if it had only been them kissing... you would have been able to deal with it, after kicking her out and scolding him beyond repair. But, as you saw it now, you were the one beyond repair. You had loved him, trusted him with your life, and your heart.

Look at where that got you. A broken heart without a home.

You knew you should have listened to your brother years ago, when he said he didn't trust the guy. Of course, you had been young and naïve. You were blind with love, and you couldn't see what your brother was warning you about.

"I'm so stupid..." You muttered as you found yourself staring up at the appartment building that your brother lived in with his roommate. You hoped dearly that they would take you in, so you wouldn't die whilst sleeping on the streets.

After climbing two flights of stairs and dragging your feet down a short hallway, you stood before his appartment door. You hesitated, but eventually let out a sigh and rapped your knuckles against the door. Footsteps were heard, then the door swung open, revealing a male with silver hair and turquoise eyes.

"A-Ai?" He stuttered, obviously not expecting you. His gaze traveled downwards, but quickly met your optics again, his cheeks slightly flushed. "You look cold..."

"H-Hi, Hope. Is Snow home?" You asked quietly, averting your gaze to the floor. As much as you adored the older male standing before you, you couldn't deal with him right now. You needed your brother.

"No... But, you can come inside, if you want." He sidestepped, allowing you to enter the appartment. And you did just that, appriciating his welcoming nature. "He's on a date with Serah, but I'm sure he'll be home soon." You gazed over your shoulder at the shy male as he shut the door behind you. "Um... Can I ask why you're here? No-Not that I mind!"

The New World (Final Fantasy XIII) - Hope Estheim x [Reader]Where stories live. Discover now