Bonding Time

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You took off your hoodie and put it on the coatrack in the back room, then headed out into the bar. You had a long shift of bartending today, and you hoped it would be a good distraction. The first few hours were quiet, with only a few people here and there, but once the evening hit, so did a rush of people. Luckily for you, a good majority of them were only there for the resturant. You were in the midst of drying a shot glass when you heard the bell chime on the front door, signaling someones enterance. You eyes drifted to the customer, and you froze on the spot.

Dark brown eyes. Dirty blonde hair.

He sat down at one of the bar stools with a sigh, then glanced your way.

"You know what I want." He spoke, his voice sending chills down your spine. You hadn't expected to see him this soon. You put away the dried shot glass before getting him his drink.

Stay calm.

When you placed the drink on his coaster in front of him, his hand grabbed yours before you could move it away. Eyes wide, your gaze trailed from his hand, up his arm, and to his face. He was smirking, for a reason unknown to you.

"This-" He suddenly started to pull the engagement ring off of your finger. "-is mine. You have no right to be wearing it." Your eyes narrowed and you held back the urge to slap him across the face, right then and there.

"And you don't have the right to sleep with some broad when our wedding was only weeks away!" You yelled in a hushed tone, not wanting to pull in any unwanted attention. However, most of the people at the bar now had their head turned towards you.

"You're acting like I commited a fucking crime, you dumb bitch." He seethed, glaring you down. In one swift movement, you grabbed his glass of alcohol and splashed it in his face.

"You had a fucking affair!" You growled as you loudly slammed the empty glass onto the counter. His eyes darkened and suddenly he had the collar of your shirt in his hand, gripping it hard as he nearly pulled you over the bar.

"You better shut the fuck up, now." He warned lowly.

"Hey, man. Let the lady go." One of the men at the bar tried helping you, but received a rough push from your asshole of an ex-fiancee. You had been pushed back as well, left to watch as the two men got into a fight.

"Guys!" You hurried out from behind the bar and tried to get between the two men, not wanting the man who helped you to get hurt. You grabbed your ex's shoulder and tried to pry him away, but was met with a hard punch to the face and soon found yourself on the floor. You raised your hand to your face, feeling blood seep from your nose. Your cheek and nose were stinging with pain. You saw your boss rush into the room, seperating the two men as you pushed yourself to your feet.

"You need to get the hell out of my bar!" He directed the two men towards the door. "And you-" He narrowed his eyes at you. "You need to come with me." You kept a hand over your nose as you followed him into the back room.

"Sir, I acted out. It wont happen again, I promise." Your apology was muffled due to your hand, but you knew he had heard you when he replied.

"I know it wont, because you're being fired." Your eyes widened when hearing his words, and you opened your mouth to protest but he went on. "I can't have you causing fights! I understand your... perdicament, but I will not sympathize with someone who causes my customers havok!"

You bit your tongue, knowing better to snap at your boss. Or rather, former boss...

"Yeah? Well fuck you too, asshole." You snapped as you grabbed your hoodie and marched your way out of the building. You happened to catch the time on your way out: almost six o'clock. You could either wait around for Snow and Hope to pick you up, or you could walk home and tell them that you got home early or something. Before you could even choose, Snow's vehicle came to a stop in front of you and he honked his horn. You made your way over and climbed into the back seat, nearly slamming the door shut behind you.

The New World (Final Fantasy XIII) - Hope Estheim x [Reader]Where stories live. Discover now