ʕ ·ᴥ·ʔ Chapter One

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Izuku Midoriya is the number one hero, and is married to his wife, Melissa Midoriya. And is a father to his daughter, five-month-old baby Phoebe Midoriya.


Izuku burps Phoebe as he walks around the room, and kisses her forehead as he picked up the living room, in a effort to clean up.

"Babe, you almost ready?" He calls out, tickling Phoebe's stomach.

"Almost! Just one second.." Melissa answers, walking out of the bedroom. "Does this dress look good..?"

"As beautiful as the day I married you, Meli." He says, kissing her cheek.

Phoebe wiggles in his arms, playing with his hair.

"Right! The suitcase!" Melissa exclaims, running back to their bedroom.

"Meli, we're just going on a trip to the states, with All Might, to see your father. Don't worry!"

Melissa walks out, wheeling a suitcase behind her. "I know, but Papa doesn't know that Phoebe is coming. He thinks only you and Uncle Might are coming.

Izuku smiles. "Oh, right. I forgot about that," he said, chuckling. "I'll check over and make sure we have everything, especially for Phoebe."

"Okay, let me take her, then." Melissa smiled, picking up Phoebe. "Hey, baby girl!" She exclaims, holding Phoebe up in the air. "You take so much after your daddy, Phoebe!"

"She only got my hair and freckles, but got a good majority of your features, Meli," Izuku said. "Okay.. Diapers, onesies, pacifiers, toys, burp rags.. Blankets, swaddles and a changing pad," Izuku finished, letting out a breath. "Is that all?"

"I think so.. I might be able to nurse her quickly, since we're pretty early." She said, sitting down.

"Hmm.." Izuku looks at his phone. "Oh sh- Shittake mushrooms.."

"What is it, sweetie?" Melissa asked, nursing Phoebe.

"I forgot her stroller, playpen and sleeping sack." He said, standing up, and walking to the nursery.

"We have time, Izu. Take a minute to rest." She concluded, wincing slightly.

"Yeah, yeah.. you're right. I should.." He said, walking back.

Later at the airport ⋇⋆✦⋆⋇ 

"Oh, there's Uncle Might!" Melissa exclaims, running to him, hugging him.

"Hello, Melissa!" Toshinori exclaims. "And Young Midoriya!"

"Hey, All Might." Izuku said, swinging Phoebe's car seat.

"Uncle Might, this is Phoebe. Phoebe Sage Midoriya." Melissa says, lifting the blanket to reveal a smiling Phoebe.

"Hey there, little Phoebe! I'm your great-uncle Might!" Toshinori said, tickling her.

"Did Papa catch on that it isn't just you and Izu?"

"I think he has not. He seemed suspicious when I rented 2 rooms, but I assume he brushed it off." Toshinori answered.

"That's good. So, you got a plane for us? You really didn't have to, All Might.." Izuku said, smiling.

"It was nothing, Young Midoriya! Now, the pilot is waiting. We must go!"

"Okay, All Might.." Izuku says, chuckling.


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