Chapter 4!

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Mina and Melissa walked to the hotel, Reiji and Phoebe cooing at each other.

"So, how have you both been? We haven't really spent time together since the kids were born." Melissa said, smiling.

"Yeah.. sorry about that. Me and Kiri take turns doing hero work, so it goes from playing with Reiji then going and fighting villains." Mina said with a chuckle. "How have you guys been?"

"Good. I'm usually home with Pheo unless Izuku has the day off, in which he takes Phoebe and I rest." Melissa said, kissing her daughter's forehead. She opens the door of the hotel room, walking in.

"Nice room!" Mina exclaimed.

"Thanks. Has Reiji been sitting up lately? I think Pheo is trying to stand up.. But no such luck." The blonde said, setting Phoebe on a blanket.

"He's been positioning himself on furniture, but he's pretty wobbly." Mina said, doing the same, but taking off Reiji's little shark hat.

The two babies stare at each other for a few seconds, then Phoebe crawls to her playpen, grabbing, or at least trying to grab the small giraffe plush.

"Here, baby. Let me get your toys." Melissa said, grabbing Phoebe's small toys, and giraffe plush, setting her back on the blanket.

Reiji then grabs her small bear plush, cooing. Phoebe giggled, crawling to him, and kissing him on the cheek.

"Oh my god." Both of the moms say quietly.

"I ship them. That's it, I'm shipping them!" Mina exclaimed, taking a picture.

"Mina, they're babies! You can't ship them!" Melissa exclaimed, starting to laugh. The two babies look up at their moms, and exchange a look that says, 'what in the-?' And Phoebe crawls off, cooing for Reiji to follow her, and he crawls behind her.

"When they're old enough to date, I'll tell them, 'I told you so!' I can't wait for the look on Rei's face!" Mina said, wheezing.

"Uh.. Mina.." Melissa said, looking around the room.

"Oh no.. Reiji Chino Kirishima! Where are you?!" Mina said, standing up.

"This is a very small room, with only a bathroom- oh god.." Melissa said, running to the bathroom, and cracked a laugh.

"Huh?" Mina said, walking to her. "Oh my god... That is the cutest!" She said, taking yet another picture.

Phoebe sat on the floor, with Reiji next to her, Phoebe asleep, and Reiji about to crawl off. Melissa picked up Phoebe, and smiled, rubbing her back.

"She got tired.. I was wondering when." Melissa whispered.

"Reij keeps pointing at the blanket in her crib. Was he going to get a blanket? Oh.." Mina said, picking Reiji up.

"Do you want to go to get something to eat?" Melissa asked, walking to the couch, picking up a small pink blanket, and wrapping Phoebe in it.

"Sure!" The pink haired girl exclaimed, putting Reiji's sun hat back on, and picking up his baby bag.

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