Movie and cuddles | Shinsou X Reader |

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d-devil-Kuromi Here's the Shinsou oneshot you asked for! (I tried lol)


As you sat down in front of the TV and settled in for a spooky film, you were surrounded by the smell of warm, buttery popcorn. You leaned back into the couch, snuggling close to Shinsou as he brushed his fingers through your hair.

For a while, the pair of you stayed quiet, getting lost in the movie's unsettling atmosphere. But as the film reached its climactic scene, you felt Shinsou's hand slip around your waist, pulling you closer. And then, as if on cue, the movie's soundtrack grew quiet, building tension in the air.

The moment that followed seemed to stretch on for an eternity. The tension was palpable, and the sounds of the film's soundtrack filled the room. Then, just as the jump scare was about to happen, Shinsou pulled you close to his chest, holding you tightly. And as the film's score reached a crescendo, you felt Shinsou's breath catch in his throat.

"Don't worry," Shinsou whispered, his voice low and soothing. "I'm here with you."

The jump scare played out on the screen, and you felt Shinsou's body tensing up. But even as the film continued, Shinsou held you close, as if they couldn't bear to let you go.

As the film came to an end and the credits rolled, you felt Shinsou's hold on you loosen, and you leaned forward to turn off the TV. But before you could move, you felt Shinsou's hand land lightly on your cheek, rubbing your cat ears, earning a soft purr from you.

"Hey," Shinsou said, his voice soft and tender. "You Ok?"

You looked up at him, and as you did, you felt something stir inside you. For a moment, you weren't sure what to say or do. But then, as if instinct took over, you leaned forward and pressed your lips against Shinsou's. It was a gentle kiss, sweet and soft, but in that moment, it felt like the most natural thing in the world.

As the kiss continued, you felt your fingers tangle in Shinsou's hair, pulling them closer to you. And as your bodies intertwined, you felt something in your chest swell up with a feeling you couldn't quite name. But whatever it was, you knew it was something special, something worth holding onto.

When the kiss finally comes to and end you two cuddle closer, your tail wrapped around him as he rubbed your ears, lost in your own world.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 26 ⏰

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