Hero VS Villain Training Battle

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(Authors note): we did boy's we made #10 on #Izukuhasaquirk we might gain more popularity now, Maybe more people will comment. Again if you like this story so far most thanks go to Unluckyperson3 and donjoaquin2 now let's get back to the fight :D

After dreading the fact of being paired up against Bakugou, I start to make a plan. Apparently the bomb will be placed on a random floor by the enemy team. We have to find that bomb either touch it to disable it, Or capture the two enemy team members. I go ask my teammate about his quirk Shoto Todoroki, I have heard that he can control fire and ice but I wanna ask him and not go of of random sources. 

He looks fucking depressing as shit, No emotion or anything out of him, I think as I walk up to him. He glances at me and stands up to talk, He's pretty talk not gonna lie. "So your my teammate?' He say's in a sassy monotone voice. "Wow way to introduce yourself, You depressed rude ass bitch" Not meaning to say the last part out loud. But surprisingly he pretty chill, only after 1.3 seconds was he chasing me with a sharp ice sickle.

After exhausting him from my amazing recovery quirk, Using it over and over for my fatigue from running, Yes, yes I know, I'm amazing. I let out a evil giggle as I watch him suffer and gasp for air running so much that's what you get I shout out to him. "Well your still my teammate, So be useful" he mutters out, "Sure, Totally" I comment back already having a plan instead of me needing this bozo for help. Me and him walk up to the designated building to begin.

All might start a countdown for us before we begin "10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, Let the match BEGIN!" He shouts through the mic, I knew he could hear me so I shouted back "FOR THE LOVE OF GOD WE ARE WEARING EARPIECES DONT FUCKING SHOUT". I didn't hear anything back before I started running through the building to find the stairs. Once I found the flight of stairs I start to initiate my plan.

My plan consists of me using my new feature "Skills" So what I'm gonna do is go to a flight of stairs which I have already done. Then I will become a fucking human rocket and use 10x flight speed to blast through each floor until I see a glimpse of the bomb, Not the prettiest idea but I think it's pretty badass. Well here goes nothing I say as a I get a running start jumping to the air and GIVING MY SLEF CONCUSIONS EVERYTIME I HIT THE CEILING, But I have this covered I think before I pass out.

I feel my body start to recover before I was thrown out the building from exiting the top of the roof. As quickly as I could I flew back down without the boost anymore, I can easily see every floor now since each floor has a hole in the floor of it's floor. (Me like floor)  I sneak a glimpse of the bomb flying back up to the floor I passed up and hid behind a wall. I was listening to him practicing his "Villain speech" before something interrupted my eavesdropping by some edgy dark bird.

He throw's me to the floor ready to tie my hands with the tape we have been administered for capturing but I rolled on my back and got up before he could get me. Time to bust out the time skill, And since time got transformed into a skills no drawback's baby. But now that it's a skill it only lasts 5 seconds, Guess that's what I get. No drawbacks with 5 seconds is still better than before so ill take it. And I don't think I wanna touch the bomb I want to embarrass both of them *Insert nezu laugh*

I activate time stop, And right as I do that I'm running towards both of them. I push both of them to the ground taping the edgy emo near a pillar and the sonic rip - off with him. They were stuck to the pillar right next to each other, And I made there faces super close to each other for extra embarrassment *Insert nezu laugh 2* Right after I put the last strip of tape around them time began to flow again, And I could hear the entire class - 1A through my earbud laughing at their position.

"What the heck is going on, how'd I get here" Rip off sonic say's. "I don't know but it must be his quirk or something" emo bird comment's. "Ding, Ding ding you are correct my good sir" I say giggling. "Well we lost so you can take the tape off" "This is not very hero like either" Both of them say at the same time. "How about... No, Suffer under my wrath MWHAHAHAH. Before they could fuss anymore I got a ping on my hologram and I opened it up, As I did that a certain candy cane finally found his way into the room.

"Wow your late" I say to the half burnt dude walking through the door. "Shut up" He says back, I finally found the notification it gave me and read it off to myself. "You have defeated a shadow quirk user, You have been rewarded with your own shadow quirk" Let's fucking go! " scream forgetting I am in a room with people who can't even see my hologram, Oop's. 


I got lectured on what I did wasn't very hero like, They told me to apologize. I didn't and argued with the number 1# hero and told him nothing in the world is gonna be fair and I kind of got a 1 day suspension for that sooooo, More training! As I'm walking home I'm thinking of things I can combine with shadow, I have a idea of transportation, But it might not work the way I think it will. I open the hologram and go to merge my new shadow with flight. I think this will work because flight will control where the shadow can go instead of just traveling through the shadow. I merge it and sure enough it made transportation. I used it and it threw me all the way over the Dagoh beach, I'm gonna need to practice that, I think.

Another long schlong chapter for you guys to eat up, Your welcome. Teleportation idea goes to Unluckyperson3 thank you for that, And don't forget I will still take any suggestion you have, Bye :D

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