Chapter 6

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Anntonia's POV :

*Ang tanga-tanga mo Anntonia, bat dimo tinago yung picture niyo ni Sam* I mentally scolded myself.

Michelle:"Ann, please sagutin mo yung tanong ko"

Anntonia:"Michelle, Sam's my childhood best friend"

Michelle:"Then why did you and Sam acted na hindi kayo magkakilala?"

Anntonia:"We had a conflict before and until now hindi pa kami okay"(I stated in a low voice and sat on the couch)

Michelle:"Okay"(she simply stated and settle herself beside me) "I hope you two will sort things out"

And what she do next cauth me off guard because SHE HUG ME, SHE FREAKING HUG ME. I then melted into her hug and reciprocated her hug, oh how I miss this, I miss her so much.

I slowly pull away from the hug"Thank you Mich"

Michelle :"Your welcome Ann.... And if you need some to talk to I'm always here to listen" (she said and smiled at me)

Anntonia:"I think we should get started on the project para maaga nating matapos" (and tumayo ako sa pag kaka upo ko para mag tungo na sa art Room) "Tara it's this way"

Na pag kasunduan namin ni Michelle na dito na nawin gawin yung project namin. And if your wondering na masyado nakong spoiled sa parents Ko dahil may art room nga ako. Ang tutuo ay tutol sila sakin nung nag request ako sa kanila kase nga dko daw maasikaso.

Then Michelle came pareho kaming mahilig sa Arts She helped me convince my parents para nagka art room nako,and yeah by the way parang I think dko pa na babanggit yung course namin na which is Fine Arts.

Nung naka pasok na kami sa art room biglang bumalik lahat ng mga memories na nabuo namin ni Michelle sa kwartong ito, and tignan mo naman magkasama na naman kami dito ngayon.

Pumasok bigla si Trevere sa art Room at lumapit kaagad kay Michelle. Trevere is I and Michelle's dog he's a Japanese apitz huscky)

Michelle:"Oh hi there mister"(saad Ni Michelle and she patted Trevere, right behind of Trevere's ear)"What's his name?"


Michelle :"Pogi naman ng pangalan bagay sayo.... Trevere"

Anntonia:"I think we should get started Na"

Michelle :"Oh yeah by the way, ang ganda dito pano mo ito na buo?"

Anntonia :"With a help of someone"

Michelle :"Let me guess.... Uhm.... Is it Sam?" (I chuckled)

Anntonia :"No Mich, hindi si Sam"

Michelle :"Ehh sino?"

Anntonia :"Tama na sa mga questions Mich simulan na natin yung painting"

Michelle :"Okay anong gusto mong maging subject natin sa painting na gagawin natin?"

Anntonia:"Well.... We are supposed to paint something to that both partners love the most" (I pointed out, looking at the piece of paper on which I'd scrawled the topic of the project)

Michelle:"What do we both love?"(she looked around the room) "I got it we can paint Trevere. He's the newest love of my life anyway" (she grinned at me before bending down to scratch Trevere behind the ears) "C'mon Trevere, pose for us boy!"

Anntonia:"Hmm... I can't say that Trevere is a bad choice, come here boy" (I called Trevere, who immediately left Michelle for me)

Michelle:"Did he just cheat on me?" (she murmured and she got lost on her thoughts for a while) "Okay I've got an idea!"(she bounced up to me, I eyed her warily, clearly not trusting her idea to be safe, because knowing Michelle puno siya nang kalokohan.)

Michelle:"Oh, relax, Ann! I'm not going to tell you to jump off the roof or something"(I rolled my eyes)" I was just going to say that maybe we can include other things that we love, too!"

Anntonia:"We have a very different definitions of fun, Michelle. But I'll see what we can do about the painting" (she nodded)


So, after two hours the painting was finally complete. Michelle turned into this laid back person when she paintes as if the painting give her peace. Well I could understand that, painting offered me peace, too.

We walked down the stairs as Trevere ra in front of us and Michelle took a picture of him.

Anntonia:"That's like, what? The 100th picture of him today?" (I snorted)

Michelle:"106th. Keep up, Ann" (I gave her a dirty look)

Nee:"Oh good you both are here, I was just going to call you down" (Mom gave us a huge smile) "Come on, Michelle, let's eat"

Michelle:" Oh no, you don't need to trouble yourself. I was just going to leave anyway" (she gave her a smile)

Nee:"Oh, nonsense, girl! Come now, I have baked chocolate cake" (Michelle's face lit up when mom mentioned the chocolate cake, Michelle loves chocolate of all times ma's pipiliin pa nya ang Chocolate kesa sa ano pang pagkain ang nasa harap nya)

And so, mom led her the way towards the kitchen and I followed them with an exasperated shake of my head.

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