Chapter 11

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Anntonia's POV :

Ayaw ko sanang gisingin si Michelle pero andito na kami sa "Our Lady of Lourdes Parish Church" kung saan nag promise si Michelle na dito siya mag po-propose sakin I just smile at the memory well get it together Ann kailangan monang gisingin ang Princesa mo.

Anntonia:"Mich were here gising na" (pag bulong ko sa kanya)

Michelle:"I love you too Tonyang" (I was caught off guard when she mumbled those words in her sleep,its been years na hindi ko na rinig ang nickname na yun)

Shaking Michelle's shoulders"Michelle gising na andito na tayo"

Michelle stirred at her sleep and flatter her eyes open"hmm sorry I kind of doze off during the ride"

Anntonia:"Its okay.... By the way you we're mumbling something when you we're sleeping"

Michelle:"Oh yeah what was it?"

Anntonia:"Its was something like I love you too Tonyang" (I winced when I said it).

Michelle:"Oh i don't know where that came from haha" (I was holding my tears to fell) "I've been having this strange dreams"

Anntonia:"What was it about?"

Michelle:"Im gonna tell you later but first lets go"

Anntonia:"Yeah lets go"

Bumaba na kami sa kotse ni michelle im really curious about her dreams but she told me shes going to tell me later so kunting intay lang Ann.

Pumasok kami sa Church pumunta kaagad ako sa upuan na inupuan namin dati yes i still remember.

Michelle:"Why is this the first place we visit Ann?"

Anntonia:"Years ago a girl promised me that she was going to propose to me here"

Michelle:"Where is she now Ann?"

Nasa harapan ko lang

I really wanted to tell her those words na bigla ako nang may yumakap sakin.

Michelle:"Shhh Ann its okay please don't cry sorry for asking you about the where the girl is"(at dun na tuluyang bumuhas ang mga luha ko sa sinabi niya she was saying sorry sakin dahil na banggit niya ang babae na umiwan sakin pero ang hindi niya alam ay siya yun)

We stayed at our position for a couple of minutes she was comforting me her right hand was rubbing my back and the other hold my hands. I want us to be like this forever ang sarap sa feeling na nasa bisig ni Michelle I miss this a lot.

Michelle:"You okay na?" (tanong niya na nakatingin sakin)

Anntonia:"Yeah Im fine already" (at tumayo nako) "Lets go its lunch time na dun nalang tayo kakain sa Picnic Grove"

Michelle:"Kay lets go" (and with that she holds my hand we walk out of the church na makahawak ang kamay just like the time we went here)

Pinagbuksan ako ni Michelle ng pinto nang narating na namin ang kotse niya.

Michelle:"Im driving"

Anntonia"Do. You where it is? "

Michelle:" No but I can always use ways"



Naka rating na kami sa Picnic Grove isa sa pinaka paborito naming lugar na pinupuntahan kapag andito kami sa Manila.

Michelle:"So here we are"

Anntonia:"Yeah lets go Im starving na"(pagkasabi ko nun ay bumaba na ako at tumungo sa restaurant nila)

Michelle:"Ann wait for me! (sigaw niya nang nakababa na siya)" bilis mo namang mang lakad"(she said panting when caught up to me)

Anntonia:"Bagal mo kase gutom na ako"

Naka upo na kami nagyon at binigay na samin ng waiter yung menu.

Michelle:"What are you going to order?"

Anntonia:" Braised short ribs please with red wine"

Michelle:"Apricot walnut chicken and a glass of red wine too for me please"(I knew she would just order the same dish she always order when come here)

Anntonia:"So. What was these dream you said that you were telling me later"

Michelle:"Ann trust me the dream is freaking weird"

Anntonia:"Well what was it about?"

Michelle:"It was about a girl and me" (I stiffened when utter those words) "The girl was supposed to be my girlfriend"

Anntonia:"And what was her name?" (I asked nervously)

Michelle:"I don't know what her real was but i call her Tonyang we were happy, but then I arrive at a cafe then I saw her kissing a lad in the entrance of the cafe, she saw me when they break the kiss and I was already walking away when she keep calling me and when I was about to climb my motor cycle she stop me and I didn't listen to her and drove of I was looking at the side mirrors looking at her though I can't remember her face and the last thing I knew that there was a truck going straight at me"

When Michelle finished telling me about her dream I was already crying tears keep falling I can't believe that she Dreamt of me.

When Michelle look up to me she was worried she stood up from her chair and walk towards me and hugged me.

Michelle:"Ann what happened?" (I couldn't take it I stood up and run outside I can hear Michelle calling me)

I ran outside of the restaurant and run towards the place we always sit together our spot under talisay tree and gaze through the trees below us.

I keep on crying until I feel a tap on my shoulder i look up to see Michelle hovering me she sit beside me handing me my phone and my eyes wide when i saw it was unlocked i guess i left it in the table unlocked.

Oh my god its unlock so Michelle saw my wallpaper it was me and her it was the picture the we first took when we were an official couple I turn to Michelle she was already looking at me with a teary eye.

Michelle:"Why do you have a picture of us that looks like years ago Ann?"

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