Sunrise Republic Laws

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NOTE: I was going between remembering these and found some from the Vorbeckia/ VORBECKIA ENGINE Twitter account. These should be from the official DU wiki, too! And yes, I'm posting some lore I found or remember again. Surprise I guess?

Law 1: Were the civilians ever see your face, it will be mutilated until unrecognizable, then you will be given a brand new identity

Law 7: Public thoughts or recruiting for others to join other nations is penalized in torture or execution.

Law 9: Always salute a poster or picture of the President at least 4 times a day.

Law 1000: Staring too long at authority is forbidden.

Law 1001: Always pay attention to the big screens in the city square if an announcement is made.

Law 1002: Shouting during a speech leads to violent attacks being authorized on you.

Law 1004: Do not litter, caught doing so will get you arrested.

Law 1005: You are allowed to spy and observe members affiliated with the Night

Coalition. Spread our existence to them.

Law 1006: You are not to look above at 00:00 when planes are flying in front.

Law 1007: You can not stand on an open road when tanks are present.

Law 1009: Asking for external help is treachery.

Law 1017: Climbing roofs of residences when there is rain or fog is not allowed.

Law 1020: Failing and attempting detectable humour in front of government authority is forbidden and the penalty is being assaulted until the head is removed or offender is frozen.

Law 1021: Leaving food decaying will result in you being suppressed

Law 1030: Between the hours of 3 PM - 5 PM in the City Square all civilians must try to be as silent as possible and to avoid conversations. For the sake of civilian peaceful hour.

Law 1035: Being found responsible for leading a violent organization will face the punishment of reconstruction for the Government.

Law 1036: If found guilty of carrying an unloaded but unauthorized firearm, it will be confiscated and the offender will be forced to work for public service for a moderate time.

Law 1038: Reporting a false crime will be penalized in surrounding and suppressing the offender.

Law 1040: When a curfew protocol is active failing to obey will result in you being assaulted.

Law 1041: If found responsible for censoring other Sunrise civilians without permission, you will be suppressed. We need to know your intentions.

Law 1043: If you fail to comply and go to the location the Government needs you to attend to, you will be forced.

Law 1045: Threatening to harm government property will face a punishment of arbitrary choice.

Law 1047: Citizens guilty of stalking others are penalized with physical harm.

Law 1048: All those found responsible for the manufacturing of fake ID punishment will be faced with the amputation of the hands or any other way to make you unable to do so again.

Law 1049: Civilians found responsible for performing torture to others are to be mutilated.

Law 1500: If guilty of releasing any type of dangerous substance, offenders are to be returned with the same harm caused.

Law 1502: Tampering with personal electronic devices of civilians is against the law.

Law 1503: You shall not be under the main park tree during 3:00-7:00 PM on Sundays.

Law 1505: The distribution of fear-mongering dispatches over any sort of news telegraph is punishable by imprisonment.

Law 1506: Once entering your residence you should always remove your shoes if they have been dirtied from any kind of substance.

Law 1509: If you happen to be selected for a specific role or occupation by a higher up always follow their instructions.

Law 1510: Always get proper authorization once the curfew has fallen into place.

Law 1511: Pay no mind to injured individuals you may find in the outskirts of our city. Simply ignore and walk away.

Law 1512: Conspiracies against Government officials or Civilians of the Republic are highly illegal.

Law 1515: You are only authorized to obtain the weekly supply amount once you have waited in line. Skipping the line results in serious punishment.

Law 1517: Skipping out on daily prescription or modification treatments is not authorized and will lead to a short imprisonment.

Law 1519: If a civilian ever complains about certain symptoms regarding extreme headaches and appetite loss, please escort them to Sector 15.

Law 1520: Civilians experiencing sight loss or damage should always be prescribed the proper surgeon before continuing with their tasks.

Law 1521: Once entering your designated train, never leave the seat that you have been assigned.

Law 1522: Consuming any sort of sweet rations after 9:00 PM is not authorized.

Law 1523: Taking pictures of photographs of any of the surveillance cameras can be punished with physical harm.

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