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The prince was long gone from my abode. I sent him away with the sad excuse of being too tired and wanting to be alone. Of course, because he was a caring person, he apologised once more for the disturbance he caused before shooting me one last concerned stare. And then off he went; back to where he was staying. A palace much livelier than mine. A palace much warmer than mine.

Earlier, over tea, I showed him my dark side. The side of myself that I never wanted anybody to see. But I was angry and sad; and all of my emotions got the best of me. And the only person who was there at the wrong place, at the wrong time, was the prince himself. 

My fiance. The man I am supposed to marry. 

Perhaps it had been good to have shown him my ugly side. At least he'd have more time to think about whether he actually wants the marriage or not. It would save us both the time and pain if he made up his mind much quicker. I do not want to tie such a lovely and warm person to someone who was broken like me. Prince Dion deserved someone bright, like a ray of sunlight, to stand beside him.

I sat on the edge of my bed, staring blankly at the flickering light of the candle on my desk. The silver moon peeked in through the spaces between my fine gossamer curtains. On nights like these, my mother would usually sit on the edge of my bed and tuck me in, a soft smile on her lips as she picked up a fairytale book. One that I always tell her not to read to me because I already know the contents. But she would only laugh at me and caress my cheek. And she'd read it anyway.

As she reads through the first part, I would feel a soft hand grab mine. When I turn my head to look, I see Cedrin beside me, red eyes gleaming with joy as he looks up at me with a smile. Those were a few of the memories that I remember. Back when everything didn't go wrong. It was back when all of us were happy.

No father in the picture. No Ranlrein. No nothing.

The soft buzzing noises of the insects outside my palace were muffled against my walls. I turned my head to the huge windows in my room and gazed upon the light ruffle of leaves on the peach tree. The gentle wind must've caressed it with its' touch. There was an empty feeling in me. Perhaps I still couldn't get over the wrongful death of my beloved mother. As I wallowed in my thoughts, my windows flung open. And a scream got caught in my throat.

A man dressed in all black with a dark cloak over his head stepped into my bedroom with not so much as a sound. His footsteps were light and quiet as he slowly made his way to my bed where I was frozen stiff.

"Your Highness, Princess Cecilia." A cold voice, like icy streams in the winter.

Was he an assassin Cedrin sent to me? Am I going to die right here?

I couldn't move. My body was frozen and all I could do was look at the man who was probably going to claim my life.

"Don't you want revenge?"

I blinked. "Pardon?"

"For the death of your mother. Don't you want revenge?" He asked once again. His voice was unfamiliar to me."Who are you?" My voice shook as I managed to inch away from him.

The man reached for his cloak and his black mask. And when the hood fell off his head, it showed a crown of blonde hair, just like my mother's. Just like mine. His eyes gleamed an electrifying deep-green as he stared at me.

"I apologise for the disrespect, your majesty." He lowered his head and kneeled down. Indirectly saying that I was safe and nowhere near danger. My heart that beat rapidly in my chest calmed down after seeing his gesture. I have never once been treated with such respect whilst I was living in the Imperial Palace.

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