4. Handcuffed Together

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I laughed as we played truth or dare. Mark had issued a dare for Dark and I; we had to be handcuffed together for the entire day. "Dark this won't be hard...right?" I said Dark shook his head. "No I wouldn't imagine it would be. Going to the bathroom might be awkward though." Dark said giving an awkward chuckle. "Dark let's be honest, we've done more awkward things." I said earning a chuckle from him. "Shut up." He said as Mark walked back in the room holding some fuzzy pink handcuffs. "Mark? Where did you get those?" I asked as he came closer. "A fan sent them to me. Give me your wrists!" Mark said holding his hand out. Dark and I gave him our wrists. "There you go guys, and with that I pronounce this night to be over!" Mark said running away back down to his room.
"How does he know that we won't just take them off?" I said aloud turning to Dark; he looked back at me with a shrug. "I have no idea want to watch Netflix?" He asked I nodded sprinting to the TV only to fall and have Dark land on top off me. I tried to take big gasps for air, but found that I couldn't; I had gotten the wind knocked out of me. Dark hopped off of me and pulled me up seeing the look of panic on my face. "Evie it's ok, you're fine. Take shallow breaths...that's it. You're doing fine." He said switching sides to be able to put his arm around me, causing the handcuffed arms to dangle in front of us. "Now what did you want to watch on Netflix Ms. I-Can't-Fuckin'-Wait?" Dark asked sarcastically. "House." I panted as we popped down on the couch.


I felt my phone buzz causing me to jolt up a bit, the TV was turned off and the house was dark, 'Mark must've walked through and turned off the lights.' I thought as I grabbed the phone (which wasn't that hard even with the handcuffed hands) I shook Dark trying to wake him up so we could go to the bed.  I grabbed my phone and saw that it was just a notification for a party tomorrow. I glanced at the clock and saw that it read, 12:57 AM. I sighed and shook Dark harder. "Bitch, wake up my bitch." I chuckled shaking him slightly harder than I should have. He woke up slowly. "Evie? What are you doing up babe?" He mumbled shifting to look at me. "Dark we need to get to bed, ok sweets?" I said he nodded sleepily clambering up with some help from me. "Come on let's get to bed." I said as I opened the door allowing him to come through first. I closed the door behind us. Dark lurched into bed me following him, I groaned as I crawled the rest of the way up the bed. Dark smiled a goofy smile and seeing me and pulled me closer to him. He wrapped his arms around my back and snuggled into my neck and fell back to sleep instantly. "Just like a baby." I chuckled as he yawned into my throat. I closed my eyes and followed suit soon after.

Word count: 553

Darkiplier x oc--OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now