How far can B2 in Vulkusohaya can get you

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The entire supervisor comitee, along with the Grandmaster were patiently watching George's progress. Minutes passed, and he did not respond. After seemingly having compiled the word, George carefully started speaking it out loud: "Alosharoioteshiholoshioma". The verse lit up, and George let out a sigh of relief. He was quite exhausted keeping all of the parts of the word in his mind. Meanwhile, all the overseers concluded, that the only people that could teach him anything were the Grandmaster and the Six Great Sages. After he was directed to the grandmaster's office, he left the examination ground and followed the directions. 

Despite his topographic skills, he eventually reached the grandmaster's office. As soon as he knocked on the door, he heard a voice that seemed to belong to a middle-aged woman, who was probably the grandmaster, that asked him to come in. When George came in and bowed, grandmaster explained that since he is such an outstanding occurence, he gets to choose who he will be training under among the Six Great Sages, since the Grandmaster already had her own apprentices and could not handle the third in addition to her Grandmaster duties.

She then proceeded to explain about each of the Great Sages. From het words, each of them specialized in honing their specific art that was the most flourishing in their region. There were two Sages of the Sword who specialized in weapon arts, two Sages of the Pen who specialized in communication arts, and two Sages of the Clouds who specialized in pure elemental abilities. At least one sage from each of the three cities should be at the main temple at all times except for travel between the cities. Except for extremely rough times for the order, the Great Sages are all Cardinal-tier, despite their Soul level may vary significantly from instance to instance. 

After hearing all of that, George asked if it was up to him to choose his master. After receiving an affirmative answer, he chose to be an apprentice of the main temple's Sword Sage, which was introduced to the initiate as Simon Johnson. However, before he could start his training, he needed to get himself an apprentice uniform. In Red Iceberg, it was distinguished  with white lines around the edges of the sleeves, but nothing else was much different from the acting mage ones. After getting one, he returned to the door of the grandmaster's office. He noticed that she was off, but soon enough she came back with a male order member that looked slightly older than her, even having a tint of silver in his hair. The Grandmaster introduced the Sage to the apprentice and vice versa, and left into her office. 

Of course, Simon was surprised to be core by the fact that some Tick-tier like George was assigned to him. He already knew that George had scored 10/10 on the language test even at such a level and, according to a claim from the person who sent him there, he was even able to use a "Yash"-less spell at such a level. Despite a bit sceptical of the second claim, Simon was sure that George didn't need much guidance on how to become a powerful warrior, but rather on how to become a worthy mage of the order. However, the morals and values of a mage is a thing that needed to be developed for years, until one is worthy of becoming an acting mage. 

Soon after, Simon went to the training ground, telling his apprentice that he would like to test his fighting skill. As soon as they reached the training ground, Simon asked George to start. Immediately, George chanted: "Yash fo ehotelhul", making a metal spear appear in his hand. "Ehosho fokvo e"(ulu. "The metal piece gains electricity"), George continued, making a crackling charge go all over the spear's surface, and took a fighting stance. Contrary to Simon's expectations, George didn't use any extravagant pose as was common among those who had just picked up a weapon, but instead just stepped one foot back and got into a neutral stance, his weapon horisontal and gripping about a fifth of the spear. Then, the Sage drew his sword, which was already emitting faint electric discharges. 

As his first combat move, Simon decided to make a provokation, using "Yash vu Yulsh", immediately appearing before George with his sword raised, and quickly struck down, ready to stop the sword at any moment. The apprentice kept his composure, quickly stepped back, and performed a side strike on Simon's sword, aiming right in the middle of it. Simon could barely maintain balance from such a counterattack, and if not for his superior Enlightenment and Soul Level, this would be George's victory. He quickly slashed from below, and surprisingly, was blocked once again, despite his opponent's hands were in reach of his blade. He used that opportunity to slash at the apprentice's hands, still ready to stop once he hits the target. George, in response, pulled his hand down, avoiding the hit, and hit Simon's forearms with the pole of his spear.

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