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My name is Isabelle Shaw...I am a CIA agent. My life and identity change from mission to mission. I do what I'm told to...if needed I shall die to complete my mission. I have given everything to the CIA,and they, more than gladly, took it.

I was recruited last year, on my first year of college. It all happened very quickly. One day I was a normal girl with a crappy life, and the next day I was being trained to become a spy. They took away my life, identity and friends, family and everyone who knew my name, had to think I was dead. Since then, the CIA has control in every aspect of my life.

Right now, I'm on my way to the destination of my fourth mission. I was told this time it will be a different kind. I opened the file that contained my assignments and duties.

... I don't understand... How could they give this type to me? Something must have gone wrong.

In this mission I am supposed to be a protector...but that's impossible, nobody got me ready for this...

Usually we are not allowed to contact our superiors, but I can't let this go trough, I need to know if this is for real and not a some kind of mistake. I called the base I belonged to. 

'Agent Shaw' A disguised voice answered. 

'I am very sorry to interrupt, but I need to double check my mission...I was given the task of protection.' 

'Yes...Your mentors estimated you are ready and most suitable for this mission.' 

'Thank you, general.' The connection has broke.

I had no other choice then to adapt to my mission, so I started reading more about it in the file.

Destination- London.

Three more agents will be close to me and available to me at all time (they will be positioned in security and management ).

My identity- Emily Johnson, age 19, British, student of law at Birkbeck university of London, living in apartment in Primrose Hill (close to the target).

My target (person I am supposed to protect)- Harry Styles-male, age 19, curly brown hair, green eyes, 175cm tall, thin/athletic, British,singer...I had a lot of information about him, he was some kind of a big star with a band he was in (from which members I also had information), In addition, I had couple of his and pictures of his band mates. 

To be able to protect him, my first task is to get near him. I have to be able to spend as much time as possible with him, watch him all the time, make sure nothing bad happens...and to do that, I was assigned to do a transformation of myself. The mission file also contained his desires and should I look like, act like around him, talk like, what should I speak about.

All in all...I need to become his girlfriend...This wasn't the first time a mission contained that type of task. Any agent, whether male or female is trained to extinguish emotions and simply present to the target, what ever is needed to complete or to help the mission. After we finish our training, our emotions and everything that represented us, no longer exists...after training we are professionals who live to obey the superiors and successfully complete missions.

All the band members, target, management, security won't know CIA is protecting them...they won't know about us...The one thing that I was sure about, was how is this mission going to end. It was very clear how such public and opened mission are supposed to finish. In order to agent-spy could continue with their work, mission needed to end with the agent's death.

I wasn't scared...I have forgotten a long time ago what fear was. For Goodness sake I have killed  people, protection role can't be much different. But looking at that boys was just something else...something that felt like it is forbidden.

~~~~Couple of hours later~~~~

I arrived in London. Not knowing exactly where I was left off, I started moving towards the lights still  a little bit blinded from sleeping. The plane has left and now I got a call, directing me to the place I needed to be.

I got into the building I was directed to...inside was a big empty white room with only an empty, black leather seat, and that seat was waiting for me. I walked to the seat and on it was an injection filled with some kind of fluid. I knew what that was time for transformation and no questions could be asked.

 I injected myself with the fluid and laid down on the seat. Very shortly after I fell asleep.

~~~~Unknown amount of time later~~~~ 

I woke up on the fluffy bed in a strange new room. I got up, walked out of the room...I realized I was in my new apartment. It was a girly one, black, pink and white-obviously designer but filled with details that represented my new identity.

On the kitchen counter was an extra file which was filled with new directions. I studied this new file and realized I have today free (but of course I will use it to get to know London and research useful things).

I went to look at myself in the mirror,wanting to see my new look. I had a different hairstyle and hair colour, before I was artificially blonde but now I'm a brunette, I am more tanned, different eyebrows and there is something different with my eyes. Also the tattoo on my inner thigh, from the past assignment was gone.

It was 7.15am. I felt like a truck had ran over me. I was exhausted and hungry, so I decided to eat something and then get back to sleep (I was a spy but I was still human-well at least physically).

I went to see what's in the fridge but the moment I opened the fridge door I felt nauseous.

I ran to the bathroom and immediately  threw up. Wanting to get up, I felt dizzy and the next thing I know I passed out.

~~~~Four hours later~~~~

It's always like that after the 'sleeping liquid'. I barely got up deciding I'm just gonna take a quick shower and go straight to bed...

I was taking a shower (which in the end turned out to be a longer one) thinking about Harry. I needed to create a plan how will I get close to him, but all I could think about then was, Harry, just Harry and his emerald green eyes...

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