Chapter Two - Am I not human?

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Darkness, all around me. Cold sneaking under my skin making me shiver. I could feel them watching me. I turned around but I couldn't see a thing... just darkness. Someone started grabbing me, I felt burning pain where his touch landed. I wanted to move away and defend myself but I was unable to  move, my body was frozen. It was then that a man appeared, standing, peacefully like a statue in front of me.

His pure black eyes staring down my soul, causing me unbearable headaches. I screamed but not a sound came out. The man's eyes illuminated and 17 arched bodies on fire created a circle around us, levitating in the air. 

They are waiting for you. Only your death shall bring them freedom. -The man has spoken before he burst into flames...

I opened my eyes with the speed of light, only to see that it was dark outside. I checked the time on the alarm clock and saw it was 2:30 am, I fell asleep 20 minutes ago. Even though it was a reminder of my curse, that was the longest sleep I got in months.

I had a few hours till going back on guard. I checked my phone and saw a text from Harry.

From: Harry Styles

Message:  Hi pretty Emily :)

                   I was wondering if you would let me take you on an out of this world date? 

                   Styles x

To: Harry Styles

Message: Why hello Mr. Styles...Of course I would :P 

                   What did you have in mind?

Satisfied with how I succeeded into leading him to ask me out, I got up, put my phone aside and went to the bathroom to take a shower.  When I got back I saw another text from Harry.

From: Harry Styles

Message: It's a surprise ;) 

                   Are you free today?

To: Harry Styles

Message: You're up? 

                    Yes, I  have something in the afternoon but it shouldn't take too long :)

From: Harry Styles

Message: Yeah,at the studio... 

                    Great, I'll pick you up at around 8pm, just tell me where ;) 

I texted back giving him the address and went to get something to eat.

For all I knew, this is what my life is going to look like till the mission is over. 

~~~~ 17 hours later ~~~~

It was 7:30pm, Harry was supposed to pick me up for half an hour. I was finished with my hair and makeup, and I was changing in my outfit for the date.  I was wearing a short, white dress that was tightly wrapped around my chest and waist and the light fabric was falling free, tickling my skin on my hips and legs. And my hair was resting freely in curls on my shoulders and back.

30 minutes has past in no time. I could hear Harry parking in my drive way, I looked out of the window and he was just about to get out of the car. I hurried down the stairs when I heard the doorbell. I got to the door and opened just to see Harry standing there, looking amazing in his black silk shirt and black pants.

" look beautiful."  He smiled and took my hand turning me around to get a better glance. 

"Thank you... you're not so bad yourself too" I said giving him a shy smile and removing a curl from my face. 

"Shall we?" He said showing the way to the car.

I nodded and smiled. 

We got into the car and started driving. 

"So I didn't know you lived only 10 minutes away from me." He said with his eyes locked on the road. 

"Well to be fair I didn't really got a chance to tell you." I was looking around his car. 

"Yeah, but still...I like that. " He looked at me and smiled, I smiled back.

He turned the radio and the rest of the drive was spent with him quietly singing to me.

 After 20 minutes of driving we arrived in front of the Tower Hill. He took us to the top at a well known restaurant called Sky Lounge. We were on the rooftop so the view was stunning, we could see the whole London from up there. Only there was no one at a restaurant and there was only one table at the center of the rooftop.

"Don't worry about the paparazzi because we are all alone here." He said and took my hand leading me to the table, where he pulled out my chair like a real gentleman. 

We started talking, he was asking me stuff about my life, how did I decided to become a lawyer, where am I from, when did I move here and such things. And I was asking him about his life, before and after he became famous, even though I knew it all long before he had told me. 

A little while after the waiter came and took our orders. 

Right after the waiter left a woman with basket of roses came and asked Harry if he would like to buy his lady a rose. Harry picked out the most beautiful red rose and handed it to me together with his million dollar smile. 

The lady left and music started playing. It was the song Wicked Game. 

"May I have this dance?" Harry asked asking for my hand. 

I got up and we started dancing. His hands resting on my lower back,not wanting to cross the line and my hands around his neck, barely touching his hair. I could feel every inch of his firm torso pressed against mine.

We were moving slowly with the beat. His eyes, one moment looking deeply at mine, and the next gazing at my lips.  He slowly leaned in and pressed his lips against mine. They were so soft and fitted perfectly with mine. I gave myself a bit of freedom and started playing with his curls. 

He smiled and crashed his lips onto mine one more time now asking for an entrance. Our tongues and lips synced and were moving in a perfect rhythm. 

After a while we broke the kiss smiling. 

"Come on, let me show you the view." He took my hand and lead me to the edge of the building. He stood behind me with his hands around my  waist.

"It's beautiful." I said as I could felt him removing the hair from my neck and lowering his lips to give me a devilish peck. 

I smiled, turned around and was just about to give him another kiss when I saw behind his back that the waiter was coming with our order. 

We went to the table and ate delicious dinner whilst talking about our lives. The rest of the night was spent like that, talking, dancing, kissing, smiling. At about 1am we arrived in front of my house. 

We said our goodbyes with the goodnight kiss in the car. 

I got out of the car and smiled, he smiled back and drove away. 

I got into the house, and called the other agents on the team to report them about tonight. After I took my makeup off and changed, I checked if all the guns were at their permanent place, where they are supposed to be.

I was laying in my bed, sateen sheets were resting on my skin, and in my mind was Harry. This mission is something different. I wasn't trained to protect, I was trained to kill in purpose to get what I need and want. Someone's life is deppending on me, if I screw up...Harry could easily be killed and that was not something that I wanted.

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