Receiving The Letters

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Setting: West Los Angeles, California 4:50 PM 18 June 2015


Jaila: Seventeen

Kendall: Eighteen

*Jaila's POV:*

I walk into the house from the mailbox that Kendall and I share, closing the door behind me. He's not home. He's at work for the day, but he'll be back in a few minutes. He works for McDonald's in West Los Angeles, California as a cashier which is only a few minutes from where we live.

I go into the living room and look at the envelopes, scared but happy to see what's inside.

"I better call my mom." I call her. I grab the envelopes and run up to our room. I set them under our mattress.

She answers. "Hello?"

"Mom! Kendall and I just got a letter from LACC!"



"Oh my gosh!! That's amazing! Have you opened yours yet?"

"No. I'm waiting for Kendall."

"How are you gonna tell him?"

"Uhh... I don't know..."

"Well you better think of something."

"Yes ma'am. I gotta go. Love you!"

"Love you too, sweetie."

We hang up.

How am I gonna tell him?

I sigh as I put my phone back in my pocket. I hear the front door open.

"Babe?! I'm home!" He calls. The door closes with a slam, slightly shaking the house.

"Hey! Up here!" I hear his footsteps come up the stairs. I turn and see him smiling. "You're happy today." I say as I walk over to him.

"I'm just happy to see you. I've missed you today." He leans down to kiss me.

I kiss him back. I pull away. "Kendall I-I wanna talk to you."

He looks worried. "About...?"

I sigh. I take his hand and lead him to the bed.

He starts to sit down.

"Wait. Don't sit down."

"Why not...?" He stands back up again.

"I gotta show you something." I reach under the mattress and pull out the envelopes. "Now you can sit."

He cautiously sits back down. "What's in those?" He points to them.

I hand them to him. I sit down beside him. "They're our letters from LACC. I haven't opened mine yet. I was waiting for you." I say slowly. (We both graduated high school early this year)

"You didn't have to-"

"But I wanted to."

After a moment or two of silence, both of us staring at the envelopes in his hands.

"Want me to open yours?"

"I don't know..." I lay down, staring at the ceiling.

"How about this," He turns around to where he's on his stomach, his hands holding the envelope and he faces me, laying down beside me. "I open your envelope and you read the letter."

I nod.

He opens it and takes the letter out. He hands my letter to me.

I slowly turn the letter over in my hands. I sigh. I unfold the letter and bite my lip. It says:

Jaila M. Urban,

Congratulations! You're accepted to Los Angeles City College in Los Angeles, California.

(and all that other stuff)

I stare at it.


I look at him, keeping a straight face like a boss. I hand it to him. I watch him read it to himself. A smile forms on my lips.

He smiles. "You got in!" He looks at me with a huge smile on his face. "Oh my god." He kisses me for a second. He pulls away.

"Your turn."

"Oh no." His smile fades.

"Stay positive, babe." I rub his arm. "Want me to do the same to you?"

He hesitates, then nods. He hands me his envelope.

I take it and open the envelope. I take the letter out and hand it to him. I sit back up.

He does the same and slowly opens the letter. He reads it.

"Did you get in?" I ask.

He looks at me.

"Please tell me you got in." I say.

He hands his letter to me.

I take it and read it:

Kendall F. Schmidt,

Congratulations! You're accepted to Los Angeles City College in Los Angeles, California.

I look at him. "Oh my god, Kendall!"

He stands up and pulls me up.

We hug.

He pulls away and looks at me.

I look into his green eyes and kiss him.

He smiles in the kiss and pulls me closer by my butt. He moans, making my lips vibrate a bit.

I smile back and bite his lip, making him moan again. I slowly pull away. "I love you, babe."

He smiles. "I love you too, princess."

We spend the rest of the day watching the Harry Potter series in bed because why not? It's Harry Potter. You can't go wrong with Harry Potter. We're wearing the outfits in the picture.

With the lights off, The Prisoner of Azkaban still playing, he starts playing with my hair. He kisses my ear.

"The star of the show But doesn't beg for attention. She already knows She's got the part-" He sings in my ear.

I look up at him.

"-She lives in the now Even if it's not forever So girl take a bow You've Won My Heart..."

I smile. "Aww. You're so sweet."

He smiles and kisses my forehead. "You're sweeter."

"No you are." I smile.

"No you are." He bites his lip.

"I love you."

He chuckles. "I love you, too." He kisses me for a second, then we watch the rest of The Prisoner Of Azkaban.

Halfway through The Goblet of Fire, I must've fallen asleep, 'cause all I hear is this:

"Goodnight, my amazing, princess. I love you with all my heart." And a kiss on my lips ends this wonderful, amazing and happy day/night with my boyfriend.


What's up?!?! So this is from my Tumblr that I wrote two years ago. It's not very good, but whatever!

Stay strong, live life, and be happy.❤️

You've Won My Heart - A Kaila One Shot ✔️Where stories live. Discover now