Day 4

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Han's eyebrows scrunch together and his jawline tightens. My feet lose contact with the floor as Han suddenly pulls me off the ground by my shirt, and I start to sweat.
My heart was pounding in my ears, unable to hear my strained breath and I struggled against his grip, fear choking me.

How could he tell, I can bearly see my own feet, but he could tell my eyes were opened from that far away? Give me a break.

"Oh Hyung, I had a feeling prince here was breathing weird." He adresses Minho while still holding me. Then he faces me again.

"People don't just cease to breathe while asleep, you see? No it's a lot more relaxed "

He throws me against the wall, air forcefully leaving my lungs as my back makes contact with the hard concrete. Hair strands cover my face as I let my head down. It hurts, I could feel my eyes water again, feeling like I was going to burst into tears, but I had to hold it, most people find crying annoying, and I wasn't going to risk irritating him even more.

"Stop that, you know damaged products are less valuable to buyers" The brown haired boy states in a imposing tone, crossing his arms and looking displeased.

Han sighs loudly and nods,
"Okaay, geez, It's not like I was going to beat the crap out of him. I was just playing."

Minho glares at him in response

"You were instructed to cease unnecessary actions, Han."

Han doesn't say anything but instead storms out of the room, making sure to shut the door behind him with so much force it made me flinch. Silence settles in and it was suffocating. Dust particles flying into the air, invading Minho's lungs and making him cough. He covers his mouth with his right hand and waves around with the other, trying to clear the air. The glimpse of light and a world outside of this tiny room made me hopeful, I thought to myself that I will escape, even if I didn't know how yet.

My hopefulness is shattered by Minho shifting his attention back on me, his steps breaking the silence and making my body react as he shortens the distance between us and crouches to face me.

He gently raises my face, urging me to meet his gaze. His eyes captured me, making me wonder what was behind that cold stare, what is he thinking?

"Avoid doing that in the future, Felix. Especially around Han. He's not known for his patience, as you can tell."

With that, he leaves the room, not giving me the time to formulate a response.

Some time passed since Minho left, and I've been digging my brain in order to come up with a plan to get out of here. My stomach growles and aches. They're not going to let me starve in here, right?

As I hold my stomach in pain I remember an article I read once, apparently you can open a locked door using a credit card, by sliding the card into the crack between the door and the frame. Then pushing the latch back into the door. Expectedly they took my phone and my wallet with all the cards but I guess they didn't care for my bus card. So I tried that, praying it works, I do the necessary steps, leaning against the door and wiggling the card back and forth to open.


I hear the door unlock, a sense of relief comes over me as I rush out before the latch goes back into place.

I shut my eyes tightly, covering them my hand trying to adjust to the light, bright relative to the room I've been confined in until now. After a few moments of pain I'm able to procede and before me stood a long hallway, with many doors, all inscripted with a number. The hallway just like my room was also mostly of concrete. Lacking any windows, poorly lit, the main source of light coming from cheap leds.

I carefully tippy toe around the corridors, making myself as quiet as a mouse.

As I keep walking, I eventually reach a bigger room, that was furnished. It must be the kitchen but It doesn't seem to be used often. The counter was made out of marble and it looked expensive and empty. There were a lot of cabinets. I start inspecting them, one by one. Hopeful, I could find something to eat in here. Most of them were empty, but in the last cabinet I manage to find a packet of crackers. Not necessarily the most nutritious but better than nothing.

I quickly shoved the crackers into my pocket, I notice the sink too and a glass of water would be so refreshing about now. But the sound of water hitting the sink bowl is loud and I can't be caught, so I leave it be for now.

Before I could grab anything useful, like a weapon, I hear the sound of voices coming my way. My body tenses, and I panic. I nervously look around for somewhere to hide. I decided the cabinet under the sink was my best choice. There was enough space in there for a person of my size to fit into.

Now hidden, I cover my mouth. Trying to not make a lot of noise. The voices were coming closer and closer, making my body tremble in fear,

please just go away.

Heeey guys, hope you enjoyed this chapter, see you in chapter 5.

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