The Walter Effect

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Some nights I like to stay in my room to read and others I like to spend with my brothers, playing video games. Tonight is the latter. Isaac is hogging the controller and Alex, Lee, Nathan and I have to take turns sharing. You would think after living together for a couple years we'd all learn to share, but no, Isaac rose to the top claiming his stake as video game king. Admittedly, he did win most games and used that as reasoning as to why he should get more game time. Alex would always try to reason that we would all get better if he would let us have more game time, but logical reasoning doesn't always get taken into consideration.

As much as Isaac can get on my nerves sometimes with his arrogance and cool confidence, he's my brother and I will always defend him if anyone has a go at him. It always bothers me when people differentiate Lee and Isaac from the rest of the family. They are family, they are my brothers and I will always have their backs like I know they will have mine. We may not run in the same social circles at school, but we always have video games and football to unite us at home. And why should our differences tear us apart or keep us from being close? We're family, so we make an effort and love each other, even when we want to knock each other's teeth out sometimes.

For example, I have to stop Alex and Lee from tearing Isaac apart after he cheated.

"Come on guys, it's not worth it," I say, hoping they will be reasonable. "Just punch him in the arm and get back to the game."

They all grumble and Alex gives Isaac an average hit to the bicep. Lee gives his brother the stink eye and then corks him in the leg before stealing the controller.

"Cheaters forfeit the next turn," he says, looking down on his brother as Isaac is curled over, rubbing his sore leg.

Alex gives the other controller to Nathan and I smile. I love watching my brothers cohabitate. I always think about what it would be like if we lived in a sharehouse without Mom and Dad. The chaos would be unimaginable, but the bond would only grow stronger. And maybe some of the boys would learn a bit more responsibility.

A loud yawn rips itself from my body and I decide to head upstairs for some quiet time before I come back down later to watch a movie once everyone has cleared out. The loud noise of my brothers is slowly drowned out as I walk upstairs but then I'm caught by the sounds upstairs, a frustrated groan echoing through Jackie's door.

Going to check on her, I remember she's not alone when I hear a male voice.

"Fine Grace, we'll play, just so you stop pestering us," Skylar says, exacerbated. "Kiss, marry, kill... Alex, Isaac and... Benny."

Jackie laughs as the other girl thinks about her decision.

"Kill Alex, no offence Jackie," I hear Grace say. "Kiss Benny, and marry Isaac."

Skylar scoffs and Grace starts making thinking noises.

"Okay Jackie!" Grace bursts out, having thought of her question. "Kiss, marry, kill... Cole, Alex, Isaac."

"Grace!" I hear a soft thud. "Why are you the way that you are?" Skylar questions.

"Cause my parents won't let me date and now you guys won't let me dream," she replies dramatically, loudly sighing in response. "Okay fine, we can play again after you spend all day with Alex."

"Alex and I are just friends."

I notice Benny running down the hall and decide it's best for me to head into my room, but Grace's reply can still be heard.

"Okay, but what is love, if not friendship on fire," she says, embellishing her final words. I smirk to myself, thinking of how Shakespearean her words are as I turn back to see Benny barrel into the room shouting something I can't quite hear.

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