The provided diagrams depict several changes in a student dormitory's facilities from 2010 to the present day. Looking from an overall perspective, the building has undergone some notable changes with the addition of car parking, and student bedrooms, which have increased in number.

In 2010, it was clear that the garden is a substantial part of the bottom of the student residence. However, it has been converted into a large car park. Likewise, a small portion of the garden located in the left corner of the area and the living room has been restructured into 2 bedrooms, which increased the total number of bedrooms to five. On the other hand, the en-suite room has been constructed, placed at the end of the hallway and connected with the student bedroom at the right corner.

In comparison, the bathroom and student bedroom locations remain unchanged. But due to the disappearance of the living room and 2 garden plots, the kitchen now has been served as a social area

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Feb 27 ⏰

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