non drug invasion

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it's been a while since the last action we did, I wonder when the next one will be. In my spare time I built a temple for the Führer
-dang dang
Derek is calling
- hello derek
Hi Simon, how are you?
-I am fine and you
-me too, do you want to go for a walk in the city, you might find something wrong
after those words my motivation rose
- ok until 1 o'clock come and get me
-OK see you
-See you soon
the bus door opens:
Hello Simon
Hi Derek
- where are we?
- come to the end of the neighborhood, there are things happening there
- good
I started the van and left
-how are you spending your vacation?
Derek asks
-fine, you
-me too
-anything interesting simon?
-I put up with a temple for the Führer
-seriously!? Well done!
-Yes thank you
we just arrived, we sat down for a while and after about 10 minutes:
- Simon, look
- where!? what?
what I saw was a woman being kidnapped
-Come on!!
Derek said coolly reloading his gun
-NO! wait this could be mafia we are two they could be more in this bus
What do you suggest then?
-we'll track them down
- good
I started our bus and drove off at full speed
- look, they turned to the forest, Derek said
-it is enough to know this forest is not very big
the forest is located 30 kilometers from the city
-now what
Derek said
I'll call the general and we'll find out
I called him:
Hello general
yes simon
-I have suspicions about the mafia in the city
- I'm listening to you, what happened?
answered the general
- Derek and I went out to see if something was wrong in the outer neighborhood and we saw a woman being kidnapped by two masked people, they were in a bus
the bus had no number
-and what did you do?
- we followed them, they went towards the highway and after 30 kilometers they turned towards the forest
- and where are you now?
- at a junction on the highway
- ok, tomorrow you will organize yourself, we will learn about it and I will tell tomorrow what I learn
- good to hear
- see you tomorrow Simon
the general closed:
- what did you say?
Derek asks
- tomorrow we will have an action!
- great
06.11.23 07:00
jing jing
the phone is ringing. the general is calling
- Hello
-good morning simon
-good morning general
- I understand that this is a mafia, but there is nothing that can prove to the law that it is. So this becomes your job until 10 o'clock.
- good!
-after you deal with the people call me. did you hear!?
-YES! I'll call
-OK Bye
said the general and hung up.
then i called everyone and told them.
-so guys, now we are going to deal with the mafia, you have to be careful because we will not be in our territory
we will enter a building and a person can jump out from anywhere
they all said and we went there
we already arrived I saw the building but to my surprise it was abandoned
- how is it possible that the general could not have lied to us that this is the place
Derek said, then I remembered that they might be using the basements. And I was right
-quickly go down to the basements and be quiet
when we got to the basement I saw a map hanging on the wall
-derek hold on
-what is this?
-basement map most likely
- good
noises started to be heard, we quietly entered, stopped at a corner and saw workers producing drugs and a costumed man who is most likely their boss
-boom boom boom
I shot two or three, grabbed their leader and:
-are you the boss of this whole thing
he answered me fearfully
-then who is it and where is it
It's not the top floor, but there is security
- I don't know if you know, but it was because of you that I was addicted to drugs
-but I just...
boom I stuck it in his head
there was another room there
when I entered I saw some cells, guards and kidnapped people
we killed the guards and:
- listen now, escort those dragged to the buses, call the general and explain to them not to say that it was us who helped them
they said
-derek you come with me to kill the boss
- clear
we went upstairs there were two security guards we killed them with silencer.
I broke down the door and told derek to stay outside
- hello, are you the boss!?
-Yes it's me
he replied fearfully
-now listen, I was addicted to marijuana that you produced
- ok i will pay you money just don't kill me please
-do not interrupt me
I said pointing a gun at him
- after Kati I confessed for the first time, my life got better
-but what are you talking about?
-my closest ones, you don't want me. in general, drug addicts are an obstacle in the state, as well as gypsies. and you create drug addicts
-but it's your choice
boom I broke his nose
- I don't find it interesting, if there were no drugs, there would be no drug addicts
we tied his hands and feet and took him to the temple. the temple is private no anyone can go to it
we arrived we brought him inside we tied his hands to the ceiling and his feet to the floor
-what are you going to do with me?
asks the boss worriedly
me and derek didn't say anything to him we stabbed him and let him read my struggle until he died. if you are wondering why we kill him even though he will atone for his sins by reading my struggle he has taken lives

his life deserves to be taken away, but at least he will confess his sins and in his next life he will not be a sinner
-dang dang
the general is calling
- Hello
-good job guys, but where are you?
-in the temple we sacrificed the chief of all this
- excellent, come to the unit
said the general and hung up
as we arrived we were greeted with cheers from the military
-simon, derek well done
said General Hutson
-thank you
Derek and I replied
-here's something for you
gave us a bag with 1 million euros
-this is what we found in the mafia building when we were clearing it
- I don't want it, it's dirty money
I said
-Me too
Derek added
- well, what should I do with them?
- donate them to clinics that are for the treatment of drug addicts
- that's a good idea simon
-I think so
Derek said
-e guys thank you you are free to go

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