Dinasaurs and Dinosaur Books II

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Cabins up below Deep Space 9 - these Cabins are where the Einstein Professors go to once

the Rapture starts!  These are to be the ninth group to Rapture.  Never Rapture your Scientists

first!  These Cabins are Space Boats up above Raptures.  

Dinasaur and Dinosaur Books I and II Levels : of a just Raptured Earth : - the Dinasaurs and the

Dinosaurs move on Teimlines of King Job Psalms and Proverbs of King Nehemiah Star Systems.

So they leave an ole' King Neb time period Ramses to travel on Teim Roads to be able to travel

towards the White Throne Judgement Seat of Big Benjamin and all Globe Covers King Ebonezer.

King Isaac and Dr. Benjamin Wool Father Abraham also travel Benjamin (small Military Planes)

to these Roads Joad using the Map of Star Equasor Field.  This leads them to the Dinosaurs and

the giant Dinasaurs and to the Teimlines of Christ RABO (RABO Flight around Earth).  

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