Photo Copies of a Criminal Mind

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Year I Starting over in Space Bibles Atlas Roads Joad                Send down Top Security Chimneys

     The Space Age had almost closed down.  This means that a Newish Bible would be opened

once again.  The pages would not be written upon...yet.  The Bible would be opened and

the Roads would once again be put in place.  These are the Road Joads on Planets that are

now Raptured as in Emptied out of people.  These Planets are now once again renamed 

Pharoah once again for the Bibles (the speeding laws given to each new Road).  The Thousand

Year Reigns were also now over for the next Newish Roads to be put down.  Newish here

means assigned to a Pharoah of Joad Roads Rachael and Leah.  Rachael for Amsterdam

Trains and Leah for Babel Witch.  Meanwhilst while the Space Age may have closed down

and Re-Opened - the Criminals WART Upstairs were still lingering around.  Not every

Criminal WARTS had been captured.  The Upstairs Criminal are no more dangerous then

the Downstairs Criminal as they are Criminal Minds and always the same type of danger.

The Danger is Intense and to the Police News on Tellyvision "Always fighting" as in

WAR Head type of Criminals always in the League of Criminals of even the RAT Race

as in the Upstairs Maid Alley CATs as in Criminals of Ships Upstairs BRATS in the 

Upstairs Balfries.  One such Criminal was an Ole' King Nebuchunezzar.  The

good King Nebuchunezzar of our Ole' Maid was also still hanging around and he

kept his papers out and his close watchful Eye on the Evil Criminal King Nebuchunezzar

of whom also tried to Command Raptures in order to move his Criminal Minds WARTs to

his Upstairs Conferences Babel Witch.  "Who tells who what to do?" could have been

the War Babel Witch Comments of the good King Neb Witch and JEBA Witch (JEBA

Witch for the News).  This means does the Good King Nebuchunezzar tell the Evil

Criminal King Neb what to do as in to lock him up or is the Evil King always in charge

and giving orders to Babel Witch his Criminals.  Babel Witch here pertaining to the

Cable Lines located near Airports on Planet to Rapture.  At the same time - how can

we know what a Criminal Mind is about to do next?  We can know this.  We do this

through WARTS and we read the Mind of the Criminal by taking a Blue Print of the

Mind of the Criminal WARTS.  We do this with a Butterfly Blueprint of the Mind.  We

move WARTS through Space to do this.  This takes a Butterfly Key to do this.  

     "You need a Rapture Key to do this!"  Dr. Albert Einstein saith for thus saith the

Lord God again to all of his Experts of Judeo Experts Butterfly Fields of Science.

       Dr. Melanie Balboa stood in the offing looking shocked and scared!  "I do 

not have a Rapture Key Book for this!"  she saith to the Man Upstairs of the Upstairs

Maid as in Dr. Albert Einstein himself.  

      So it took about three years of Edmond Flights as in Airplane Crossing the Atlantic

Oceans of Space for Dr. Balboa to arrive at the conclusion that she had at least found

the Rapture Keys.  She landed on her feet at a Terminal high up above Earths and it

was an Inside Space Terminal of RATS.  She was switching Planes to be able to run

into a Head of Raptures on Planet Earth III of President Biden.  These Raptures were

nearer to the Earth times of President Biden.  This Rapture Expert was an Expert of

all Rapture Keys and a Top Secret Scientist of RATS as in All Photo Copies of all Raptures

down on Earths of his assigned Earths that moved through Military Cleopatra Rapture

Sheets of Dr. Einstein anse all RATS (Military News Boats stationed up above Rapturing

out Earths NEWT for the FROG Earth News Balboa - as in any Ships at Sea Base on

Planets being Raptured.  People at sea when a Rapture starts are always the last to

be Raptured).  So to save time and time Interruption the two Military Generals of

all Sea Basins as in Dr. Balboa and Dr. Alfred Einstein met back up in a high tower

that were located inside of the Air Terminal.  They laid out the Rapture Sheets in front

of them.  

     "The Police on Planet Earth of President Biden are to have the Rapture Keys 

to be able to move up Escaped Convicts.  At the same time I am behind this Planet

in time Earth Systems of the RAT and I do not know if we were able to once again

move in Established rapport with this Globe to give them the Rapture Keys.  As for

the Rapture Keys to read the mind of Arch Angel Criminal WARTS Doctor as in Dr.

War Hearse Criminal WARTS Mind Enemy Agent Dr. King Nebuchunezzar - these

Keys are moved to the FBI once they are Raptured off of Earth III of President Biden.

This will give you the Butterfly Key to Enemy King Nebuchunezzar's Brain.  It

is a Butterfly Blueprint,"  Dr. War Horse Israel and CAT Scans of Brain Analysis

anse it's War Horse Systems of HOGS (HOGS Butterfly Reunion - Sattelite Photos)

saith to the World at Large as in the people as in Einsteins in the room.  

    So for SCAT CATS Israel (Star Ship Cathedrals Earth WORM of outer Atmospheres

of the Ships) - we proved the Loom anse we moved Einstein African Loom Ships to

the higher peak Elevation Flights off of Earth as in Space Mountains to be able to

set up WAR Wizard Camps Elivra.  We did this to take Butterfly Photos of King Albert

as in Evil King Neb's brain anse War Wizard up off of Argoyle Earth and it's Prophets

as in it's Military JAVA the HUT.  Argoyles as in smaller Military Planes.  We set up

CAMP David out of Hagaii in CAMP ZIGNAUGHT up in Mountain WARPS.  So the assigned

set of sequence was to use a Butterfly Net spun from the Webs of a large Aged god

Space Butterfly Athens (these land in Airports when Airplanes land on Globes) and

a Tripod that takes Butterfly Photos of a Criminal Mind.  So we moved back in time

Warfare of the PIG.  We moved to a Mountain Cave up in Space Minds of Joan of

Ark Dragon Ships (Dragon for more photos).  We took Butterfly Photos anse WAR

PRINTs of Evil King Neb's Mind whilst the Evil King Neb was Ship Board on one of

his Star Boats.  We needed to find the next moves of the Evil Criminal Mind of 

Evil King King Nebuchunezzar War Wizard.  This meant FBI with the Rapture Keys

to be able to do this WARTS.  

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 06 ⏰

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