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Wedding day

London 5am

"I think in a hour time, they are making sure the flight goes smoothly" Aliy said to one of his friends who was asking what time they would leave, they were about 5 (Jorden, Mike, Joe, Ahmad and Mark)of them with Aliy, making them 6, they were his business partner and also best friends "so you want to seriously get married" Jorden said "well yes"  Aliy said smiling "well then it's just us now, so you can actually spill the beans " Ahmad said "what beans am I spilling" Aliy said laughing "stop laughing Aliy and just speak, we all know that non of us has the plan of ever getting married, and we only plan of getting married if something  huge is involved, and after having it, we go our separate ways, so what changed" Joe said sounding very serious "okay fine, well I am just doing this, because something really huge is involved" Aliy said "explain better " Jorden said "well you all know petels oil and gas, right, well I will have that company in my hands ones this marriage is finalized" Aliy said and they look at him more lost "how
" Mark asked "well, it was in the contract, " Aliy said "what contract" Mike said "okay let me just explain much better, okay so I bought this share in an oil and gas company which is petals, so petels was and still not doing okay like before, so I decided to give the CEO hundred million dollars if he got me married to his sister, no knowing that once he signs the deal, petels would automatically become mine, because it is in the term and condition of the marriage" Aliy said smiling "bad guy" Jorden said laughing as they all laughed "Smart move Aliy, let me quickly use the restroom, don't say anything without me " Ahmad said walking to the restroom "Ahmad is so unserious, "  Jordan said laughin, they continued talking about other stuffs and business plans they would put to action after the wedding when the door was opened,  and more then ten men entered the place, some wearing the police uniform while  holding guns while the other who looked like detectives where not "and who are your guyz, and who even gave you the right to enter in here, this is a pri....." "Save the explanation, for the guys in prison, you All are under arrest, for murders, illegal purchase of illegal drugs, Rape, Fraud, Human Trafficking, Kidnapping, and the list keeps going on and on, I tell you guys, its hanging for you guys" on of the detection said as he sat down, "and what prove do you have " Mark said looking distress, Jorden was sweating as hell, Mike was already in tears, While Aliy was just there lost in thought "oh Mr Mark, there are lots of evidence, prove, anyone you want just name it, its over for you guys" the detective said laughing. "Okay enough with the chit chat, just take them away," "don't touch me, where is your arrest warrant" Jorden said "oh here is it" the detective said giving it to Jorden and he quickly tour it into tiny pieces "oh my god the warrant is gone, what should be do" the detective said faking a stressed look, "oh sir I know what to do" another detective said as he passed in a brief case "oh thank you Dave, thank you, I almost had an heart attack "the detective said as he opened the brief case and gave Jorden more than hundred arrest warrant "would you like to tear them all, you know I have a million copy, should I gave them all to you, " The detective said laughing "enough with the fun game, you would have a lot of fun game to do in prison so let me guide you their, oh I forgot, you guys only have 2weeks left before you die, well I will make the 2weeks the very best for you guys".

(Okay what just happened🤔🤔, Ango don land for prison😂😂)



"Wetin you wan do, madam get up" Beebah said as she pull meemah out of the bed "Beebah, wetin be this, kinsan banason isakanci koh" meemah said glaring at beebah "duk abinda zakiyi, kiyi ba dai zakayi baccinnan bah"  beebah said and just then Ummi walked in "what is going on here" Ummi asked, "Ummi ina Kwana" they all greeted "Lafiya yaran Albarka" Ummi said as she walked to meemah who was busy fuming in anger "Amarya yadai, what is wrong" Ummi asked as she sat beside meemah, "ba komai Ummi, " meemah said trying to hide her tears "tell me mana" Ummi said "toh Ummi is it not Beebah, wai fah zan koma bacci shine ta hanani, kuma baccin nakeji" Meemah said crying, while Beebah and meerah were busy laughing at her childishness, Ummi was just smiling "toh Meemah tashi let's go to my room said ki kwanta" Ummi said as she help meemah up, "toh you guys should quick and come downstairs, there are alot of work to do" Ummi said "gaskiyah Ummi aa, where are all the house helps " meerah said "see them here" Ummi said showing there her head "kuntashi koh saina ci kaniyarku" Ummi said, they both got up and walked out stamping their feet, Meemah walked to Ummi's room and lay on her bed, she was lost in her thought, when her phone started ringing, she looked at her screen and it was kunle, "This one that you are awake by this time, what are you planing" Kunle said from the other end, and meemah laughed a little "kai kunle, are you trying to say that I don't wake up early" Meemah asked "yepp" kunle said smiling "okay o, this one that you are happy this early morning, what is the secret " meemah said "well I am indeed very happy today, but I am not going to tell you anything, for now" kunle said "haba kunle, you know that there is no time abi" meemah said "well, babe we have alot of time to spend together, so don't worry about a thing" Kunle said "well I have to worry o, because you just dey confuse me like this" Meemah said "whatever just forget it " Kunle said "lets talk later " kunle said before hanging up, which one is Talk later again, this kunle will be talking as if he does not know that I am getting married today.

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