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Once apon a time there was a girl called Anna Birgitta Vesterlund and she was very happy. Once, sauna sausage, she wanted some food and she was in the sauna so she ate a sausage, hence "sauna sausage". She wanted food, she was hungry. The person giving out the food was a jolly old man, but it wasnt santa claus. It was satan! Satan was a cutie patotie and he sold everyone some cheap food! Satan was a professional bbqer and he bbqd some sausages for the sauna people. The third letter of the alphabet followed by hungry is a one word sentence that has an extra letter in it. Satan gave out some free sausages because he thought it was boring for everyone to just sit there and complain; "i WanT mONey!", but he didnt really know. Anna didnt eat the sausage because she didnt want to eat all at once, she was a savor, so she hadnt eaten all of it. Satan bought only the big sausages from the store, because you wont become fed by just a mini-sausage. He always sliced one sausage and gave it to people to try so they would know if they wanted to buy the product, you need to test it. This happened in 2019.

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