Chicago Night Pt. 2 (Bad Era)

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Every Night since then, he has been showing up to the club, his outfits would switch from time to time, but recently it has been his signature white suit that was common and every night, she would tease him a little with every performance. Still he was quite the charmer since the first night, enjoying his company even. Taking a sip of her drink, she looks over at Tiff seeing her lover on her lap, still making out.

"You better not have Mark, see you making out on the clock." Sara chuckles a bit as Tiff looks at her girlfriend, giving her another kiss.

"Five more minutes Sara, I don't get enough time with my girl." She whines a bit, she could hear her girl chuckle while she was getting off her lap.

"It's okay, baby we still have tonight, being our anniversary and all.~" she purrs, pecking her lips once more. "Besides being home this is the only place where we can be ourselves, but I will be over there when your on break~" She soon leans onto her, grabbing her drink, feeling her ass slapped as she purrs at her, while walking over to the couch area listening to the music.

"You know, I'm happy you found someone, didn't know you swing that way." Sara continues drinking her drink.

"When Mia walked through that door and ordered a cherry twist, I knew right then and there she was the one for me, god she is beautiful, wish I was off today, but yet your life is more entertaining than mine."

"Oh please." she sets her drink down looking back at her. "Just because this mystery man started hanging around the club, doesn't mean anything to me." Tiff rolled her eyes at her,

"If you ask me, you like playing this game more than he does." In fact she was, Sara was very much enjoying the little game she started with him, Michael on the other hand was one of a kind in her eyes and she slowly began to feel a little crush forming, her blush on her cheeks can say it all and Tiff knew it. "Oh and speak of the devil, here comes Mr. smooth criminal himself." chuckling at her as she grabbed a tray of drinks and heading over to the crowd. Sara took a sip of her drink, head down a bit, seeing his black loafers he always wore.

"Hey there beautiful." he smiles at her, taking her hand softly as he kisses the top of it. "Every night I come here, you make my sorrows go away with that voice of yours." God this man was dangerous and she couldn't help it, he was really a chambers, kind, and even good looking. He lets go of her hand, she soon begins to look at him smiling, still trying so hard not to blush, but failing. He saw and smiled at her once more.

"Do I Mr. Jackson~" she teased him a bit.

"Michael, doll." he corrected.

"I know, but it is fun to tease you from time to time." she sets her drink down patting a seat next to her, he nodded and sits down besides her. For those nights that passed, he told her about himself, how he was in the mafia. Ture that did scare her a bit, but not just any mafia, he was the one that actually did some work around the parts, caring for the needy, the children even. He was the leader, which to her surprise she didn't care, he was a good man, might have to say to the others he's bad, but he's a good person under all that. She explained her life's story, how she came to be a singer at the club, meeting her best friend and now to this very moment. Sara enjoyed his company around her and she felt like she was slowly falling for him even more. Her dressing room was full of red roses, covered head to toe, with little notes saying how beautiful and wonderful she was.

"Should I be worried that someone will hurt you." she asked as he shrugged his shoulders.

"The life I have, I'm trying to not be completely in my life, then again you haven't left me well."

"We aren't even going out, but I am willing to give this a try" his eyes lit up.

"Then does this mean, I have a date with the most beautiful woman in the world?" Sara only chuckled a bit, taking his hand.

"That is if you can handle me~" she purrs, causing him to slightly blush. She soon heard James telling her she had to go on stage as she nodded to him.

"Knock them dead." he smiles, Sara only got up from her seat as she whispers in his ear

"Come by the dressing room after my song~" her hand was placed just inches near his groin, he could feel a tickle in his throat, causing a small growl. "I think it's time I give you more than just my voice~" she pecked his cheek, walking up to the stage. Michael only watched her move on that stage and he would be damn if someone else takes her away from him, oh no. He felt desire suddenly and oh boy she was dangerous. Once Sara got on the stage, her head was down waiting for the music to stop playing, the crowd went silent, once silent the music began to play

The mere idea of you

The longing here for you

Her hips swayed a little, showing a bit of leg for the audience, or rather for Michael, she watched as his eyes were onto hers than trailing, she knew what she was doing and she could tell he was becoming a bit hungry. She could hear whistles and howling from some of the men, she didn't care this was only for him.

You never know how slow the moments go

Till I'm near to you

I see your face in every flower

Your eyes in stars above

Sara slowly began to dance with herself, imagining him next to him. Humming into the mic, she closes her eyes, feeling the music through her body, her hands soon pressed against the fabric of the skin, she is picturing it, her and him. It's crazy to think about it, but deep down she wanted it despite her efforts, who can blame her when her eyes set on him once more, she saw he was moving closer to the stage, the crowd was in for a treat, but Sara didn't care, once Michael was up close, she leans her head down to him, her hand caressing his cheek, staring into his doe eyes she grew to love. His hand soon placed onto her, but her hand slipped away as she sang close to him.

It's just the thought of you

The very thought of you,

Sara soon leans in a bit closer and pressed her lips against his, causing everyone to be in shock, whistle and howl anything, but honestly she didn't care, she was kissing the man she only knew a few nights, but a part of her felt she knew him for a long time. Michael leans into the kiss, cupping her cheek, Deeping it, even though it felt like a long time, she soon pulls away from him.

My love

Singing the last verse as she moved back from her stop, heading to the back, the curtains that were once hanging began to fall, hearing the clapping and cheering from her former crowd, Michael soon smirked a bit, making his way to the dressing room. Sara was heading to the room, leaning her back against the vanity, she waited for him, showing off a bit of leg, her breasts were peaking out, she felt a rush all of a sudden and wanted him here. When the door opened, the familiar white suit was in the doorway, his hat, tip a bit, but she could see the lips she once kissed not too long ago, making his way in, the door shut, even locking it. Michael made his way over to her, pulling her close, his arm around her body as his hand was placed against her back, he leans in once more giving her a passionate kiss. 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 27 ⏰

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