I Can't Help It Pt.2 (Off the Wall Era)

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A continue of Im__hisQueen. Hope you like.

Your back pressed against the wall as his hands carressed the sides of your body. Ever since he confess his feelings for you, he made ever moment count with how much he loves and wants. Feeling his hands go lower, lifting your dress up a little. Touching the insides of your thighs, you broke the kiss, panting a little. Michael than began to blush and chuckle.

"Sorry..got a little carried away." You smiled at him, while rubbing your fingers over his soft hair.

"I..I dont mind, its not like you know.." Michael softly kissed you once more and before he could go even further.  A knock was heard and Michael groan.

"Michael, its time for dinner and your father wants to speak to you." You flinched a little and Michael knew why.

"Okay, mother." he took your hand and squeezed it.

"Michael, I..I can't-"

"He won't bother you, stay close to me." He was a bit surprise that his father came home. Heading out of the room and up to the dining room. You helped his mother with setting up the table. Michael walked over to his father.

"We need to talk." Michael nodded without question, heading into the other room. Once you were done, you smiled at his mother.

"I didnt know, he would be back..." Katherine knew how afraid you were of her husband, but deep down inside he does care...when he wants to.

"His flight got cancel, the boys are on there own, but Jermaine can keep them in order til their father shows up."

"They grew up so fast."

"Yeah, I do miss my babies from time to ti-"

"NO I am not having it, Joesph!"

"You are my son! Live under my roof, you will do this-"

"I'm not a kid anymore, Joesph. I want to make my own music!!!" You held yourself together, shaking even. You hated it when they fight, they never saw eye to eye.  Which made things worst, if Joesph knew you were in a relationship with Michael.  Katherine lookee over at you, placing a hand on your shoulder. You flinched. 

"________, calm down. Its not good for your health. Sit down, please." You nodded and did as you were told, they still kept yelling at each other. Katherine just down down on the other side of the table. The food was getting cold, soon footsteps were heard and you felt Michael sitting down next to you. Hia father sat across from you, his eyes fixtated in you and frown.

"She shouldn't be here-"

"Joesph, you know she can. Stop it and eat." Michaels hand went under the table and held your hand, giving it a squeeze you looked over at him for a minute than began to eat the food. It was quiet for the entire dinner. Michael kept looking at you, you smiled softly. 

"Stop it-"

"What now, Joesph?" Michael glared his eyes over to him as you bit your lip with worry. "What could possibly be the issue?"

"You two, too close. End this." How...how did he?

"Joesph, please you knew this would happened-"

"She is not taking him away, shes just like the others. Take them away from me, from this family!!!!" Slamming the table you jumped from your seat. Michael stood from his seat, still holding onto your hand. 

"You know what I dont care, I love her, Joesph. You cant control me anymore, I'm making my own music and I will be who I want to be, with her by my side."

"She will ruin your career, how do you think it felt when Jackie and Jermaine married those girls. Fans decrease and look how it ended up!"

"It wont be like that, now if you'll excuse us." Katherine stopped Joesph from fighting with their son. Michael hurried up to his room along with you, shutting the door behind him. He lock rhe door, finally peace and quiet. Michael than turn to you, his lips atrach to yours and soon. You melted into the kiss, calm as you were. Michael than sat down on the bed with you, he held you close. You were sitting on his lap, caressing behind your back.

"He hates me."

"I dont need his approval. He can hate whatever I do, but he needs to learn. I'm an adult, not a child." You looked up at him and peck his lips.

"Now they know we are a thing, what would you do now?"

"Find somewhere else to live. Start our lives."


"Yes, just you and me. Things are changing and I think now is the time." You lean close to him, kissing him as his back fell back against the bed. His hands slowly carressed your sides. You giggle a little, breaking it. "I want to take you out."

"Like a date?" He nodded.

"Yeah, go see a movie, a walk in the park."

"That's so romantic, Michael."

"Anything for my girl." it felt strange of him saying it. You didnt mind it, considering you always felt like he was your girl. A friend...now this. Michael was really something and now, everything was indeed changing.

"I..I want to do something for you."

"You really don't have to."

"But...I want to." Giving him a pout face, Michael couldnt say no.

"Whats that?" You slowly lean off of him, taking the straps of yoir dress pass your shoulder. Michael only watched, he didnt know what to do or even say. The fact that you were brave enough to do this, was something new.

"I...I want you..."

"Its too soon, _________."

"Not even a peak?" Michael deep inside always wanted to see how you look, maybe..he nodded as your hands went to the back of your dress, undoing the string, the dress fallen down, covering your legs, you than slowly undid your bra. Dropping it on the floor, Michaels eyes widen and bit his lip.

"You're beauitful." He slowly raise one of his hands, softly touching the underside of your breast, you softly pant. His thumb brush over your nipple that has become harden, squeezing your legs a little.  Michael was truly amaze.

"You..can keep going." Michael than tilted your head and softly kissed you. Gentle, he was. You melted into him, his work would have to wait.

"I love you."

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