A description to a story

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( from: Wallace's Perspective)
Wallace J. Milton is the owner of a festival theme park in a dim snowy forest, lights scattered here and there so you can see at night. You see he had 3 kids, 2 friends, and was a single dad, no wife, never married before. His kids name, Smith Milton, Carol Milton, and Vinny Milton. He loved his kids dearly and would do anything to protect them, even if it means having to hire a babysitter as he works in the forest. His two friends Henric and Debi help him in the forest, Debi works beside Wallace as Henric works on the other side of the forest in the bigger section of the park, since Henric isn't around Debi flirts with Wallace, but Wallace ignores her since he doesn't feel the same and she can be very weird at times. Now as for when Henric is around Debi just gives him glares and tries to be the center of attention which often annoys Henric and Wallace since she's always complaining on how Wallace gives him more attention than her which isn't true, Wallace gives both equal attention and at some point, Wallace snaps and tells Debi to get the fuck out in which she does but she blames Henric for it despite it being her own fault. As time passes Wallace gets closer to Henric, he thinks he likes him, but Henric has a wife and a child already, so it'd be wrong, little did he know Henrics wife Rosalie broke up with him, but he managed to keep his daughter Chara. When Wallace heard about this, he jumped into it quickly, taking this as a chance to get with Henric but Henric had already fallen for another girl. Wallace wasn't too happy about it but just accepted it, as a few years passed, Wallace now being 33 and Henric being 32 things were going smoothly, until the day came... Debi returned... Things started going terribly wrong and Wallace couldn't figure out why... walking through the forest to find an injured dog as he attempts to help it, but it tries biting him, so he left it alone for now, as he goes to get the telephone and call a vet he sees a dead kid on the ground, it was a small child... Her head was dethatched from her body and the rest of here was crushed by a chopped down tree which terrified Wallace as he'd go deeper into the forest, more dead children here and there, it was sickening to see. He soon came across a woman with long black and orange hair as he approached her, reaching out to grab her shoulder " ma'am are you o- " Wallace was cut short as the woman swung around, nearly killing Wallace with the axe she had in her hands.... It was Debi.... Wallace was confused and worried as he'd get up and back away, his hands up " hey, hey, calm down woman! what even happened- did you kill these kids? if so, then why- why innocent kids?- " he'd ask but didn't get an answer as she'd swing again, Wallace moving out the way as he ran through the forest, soon coming to a stop... there was a wall here now, but how? it wasn't there second ago, it couldn't have just spawned, that's not logical right?? Debi getting closer and closer, breathing heavily, this woman has gone mad, madder than before in fact... This wasn't going to be pretty, that's for sure. As she'd swing again Wallace fell to the ground backing away as quickly as possible, dead bodies all around it was sickening, Wallace felt like he was going to throw but then and there but couldn't, he was too scared to do so, he'd try running but there were walls all around with stairs of people strapped to Eletric chairs, screaming and crying could be heard but they have no faces, it was disturbing and uncanny, this couldn't be happening, it couldn't be.. Debi would hold to axe above her head, ready to chop Wallaces body in half when she was hit with a tree branch by Wallace, getting up and whacks her again before moving back. " LEAVE ME THE FUCK ALONE YOU BASTARD!?! " he'd shout, swinging at her again but she chopped it in half with her axe as she'd punch him straight in the gut, causing him to fall onto the floor again, groaning in pain. " fuckin' d-damn it- " he'd glare up at her, as she'd go to stomp on him, he'd roll out the way, " THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU, WHY ARE YOU EVEN DOIN' THIS?!? " Wallace would finally snap at Debi, he's had enough of this, maybe this was a dream, and wasn't real, but it was real, this all was happening, but how? " Don't you see Wallace; I'm doing this for you! for you love! WHY WON'T YOU LOVE ME BACK?!? WHY DO YOU ONLY LOVE HIM?!?!? " Debi was pissed off, but at first Wallace was confused then realized the guy she was talking about was Henric, but if he did have to be honest with her he would " BECAUSE I'M GAY, NOT STRAIGHT, NOT BI, BESIDES YOU KNOW I DIDN'T LIKE YOU LIKE THAT?!? " that seemed to piss off Debi more " AND WHY THE FUCK NOT YOU FUCKING CUNT?! " she'd swing at him multiple times with the axe, missing and knocking some trees down instead as he groans with frustration. " MAYBE TAKE CONSIDERATION THAT YOU DON'T ALWAYS GET WHO AND WHAT YOU WANT OKAY?!? YOU'RE JUST A FRIEND TO ME, NOTHING MORE!! " Wallace has had enough of this, he really has. And why does she show up now, why does she say all of this now? it makes no sense, and it's annoying to hear her whales, she knew he was gay, yet she keeps trying to convince herself that he's straight, trying to pretend that he likes her back, when he doesn't, he like Henric, even though he had a girlfriend now he still likes him regardless because you never know when something could change as he sighs. " Look, Debi, I don't want this fight to continue... you never even answered on why in the hell you killed those kids besides you ' killing them for ' me and my ' love ' when you know for a fact, I'd never love a monster like you... and stop trying to ' fix ' me and make me straight, it's not going to happen... " Debi collapsed to the ground as Wallace approached her but when he did she grabbed him and threw him against the walls, the screams and crying started to get louder after going silent as Wallace would get up, but this wasn't over as Debi started trying to attack him more often and as she did the faces would appear on the people strapped to the electric chairs around them, the screaming becomes louder and louder it was deafening as Wallace tried fighting back but couldn't as he hit the wall one last time... but it wasn't the wall he hit- it was one of the electric chairs as he'd try and get up but it strapped him down, unable to move as it'd drill through his hands and feet, creaming as metal clamps hold his mouth open as Debi just watches and laughs " N-NOW WE CAN BE TOGETHER IN THIS MEANINGLESS WORLD!! I WON'T BE ALONE ANYMORE- " but before Debi could finish her sentence things started falling apart and breaking. but how- wasn't this the real world- parts would fly everywhere as the place comes undone, Wallace falling into a white void and soon into thick black in... and everything goes black... Wallace unable to breathe as the ink fills his lungs, he accepted his death... but this wasn't the end as he had though it would be...... no....... This was just the beginning...... as he falls while unconscious, he gets penetrated with spikes, going through the middle of his face, his eyes, and his chest... blood bleeding out but soon was replaced by ink.... after hours he wakes up, still in the black inky void of this " ocean " as he looks around, somehow, he can breathe and can't feel any pain he had earlier... wait- he was no longer strapped down to the chair- it was gone! finally free! or- is he? as he looks around, he sees a screen with * you * visible, suddenly it's like the inky ocean disappears as he stands before looking up at * you * as he speaks up " would you like to continue this torture... or retry and turn back? The choice is all yours... " he waits for an answer from * you * as he just stares, the more you look the more different he looks, holes through his hands and feet, black goop dripping from his eyes, chest and mouth as * you * hit continue he'd back away into the darkness
soon Wallace could be seen walking through another section of the forest. Soon coming across Henric who seemed half out of it, zoned out even, it was kind of weird seeing him so stiff and still. As Wallace slowly approached Henric and grabbed his shoulders " H.....Henric... " his speech sounded gargoyle as if he had water in his mouth or something as Henry snapped out of it " O-Oh! You're here at a rather unusual time Wa- " once he turned his head to see Wallace he froze, questioning what the hell had happened to him, he was shocked he couldn't even speak as he'd push himself away, backing away as he did so " C-Christ oh mighty what the hell happened to you?!? " Henric was clearly concerned and worried as he'd then walk closer to Wallace " your... your face... oh god what- what did you do to get like this... and a hole through your chest, hands and feet?!- how.... How are you even alive right now?!? " He was really worried as he brushed over the holes on Wallace's hands. " Long story Hen.. Really long story... But don't worry.. I'm fine, I..... I don't feel any pain.. That or I'm use to it now... " he'd tilt his head slightly and shrug as Henric shakes his head " Still, we have to at least do something to fix you up in some way at least... Afterall when we go to get welp we don't want them running off due to your appearance since no one would be use to seeing someone being as fucked as this unless they're into horror and watch horror for a living.... " Henric crosses his arms as he looks down " Maybe it's best you cover up for now until then.. Or cover your face with a mask of some sort, and no I'm not saying you're ugly I'm just saying I don't want people thinking you're a demon or a witch, I don't want you to be burned or stabbed to death... " as Wallace sighed heavily he bends down to Henric, placing a hand on the side of his face " Henric, I'll be fine, I promise you that much, I can protect myself, after all I did protect myself from HER as much as possible.. So, I'm sure this'll be no different, yes? " Well Wallace did have a point, but Henric was extremely confused. " Who's HER and did SHE do this to you?? " When asked Wallace stood straight up again " A former ex friend, one of both me and you... " With that that gave Henric an exact idea of who it was, Debi. But why would she do this? Henric then remembered that she loved Wallace, but he knew Wallace didn't feel the same towards her and saw her as a friend or more as a sister even. " Oh... So, Debi's back again, but how would she have caused so much damaged?? " Wallace would shrug " I suppose she's gained some sort of power but not strong enough to harm people unless weak or hurt as is. " Which to Henric that made exact sense so he didn't question it too much as Wallace looked back up at * you * which of course when Henric did he couldn't see out of this digital world " What are you looking at Wallace?? " Henric asked as Wallace looked back down at him " oh just someone that isn't really important to you, or at least I don't think so since you probably can't see them " Wallace shrugged as Henric just looked off to the side. " Let's get going, after all we don't have all day, we'll freeze if we're out in this cold for much longer... " As Wallace nods, agreeing with Henric. Suddenly a box appears on * your * screen saying ' save, continue, quit. ' As it glitches every now and then, awaiting for you to choose whatever you may please. so, what do you choose player? ...................... Continue? Are you sure you want to?? okay, if you insist.

As Wallace and Henric would walk through the dim forest, soon coming across a nearby building as they'd knock, no one was inside... So, they took it as an opportunity to enter the building, looking around as Henric finds a sowing kit and picks it up " think this would work for now? " Henric asked, turning to Wallace as Wallace narrowed his eyes " I HATE needles Henric, you know this, and sowing me together wouldn't last for long and I'd probably rip it out due to it irritating my skin.. " Wallace didn't seem very happy about this as Henric sighs " Right right, maybe we could find a better way of doing it, a more easy and comfortable way? " he'd offer but Wallace shakes his head " Henric listen, as much as I enjoy you trying to help must decline, besides for now we're alone and this shouldn't be and issues with me looking like this " despite his being true Henric still wanted to at least fix him up a little bit just in case someone for some reason comes but even though people don't really come to this part of the forest as he sighs " Fine, you can stay like this for now, but after a couple days we need to fix you up a little bit, after all cops might come due to you being missing and your kids are left alone at home! the only one able to take care of themself is Smith since he's 16, but Carol and Vinny are only 5 and 8! " Wallace finally snaps and pounces onto Henric, pinning him to the floor " DO YOU EVER SHUT UP?!?!? " he'd start breathing heavily again, the black goop dripping onto Henrics face and chest as Henric would look away " I'm sorry I-I just wanted to he- " Wallace slapped Henric " JUST..... " Wallace would go silent as he sighs " just..... be quiet... please... " he'd sigh as he gets off of Henric " I'm sorry for snapping at you.. my anger issues seem to be getting worse.. " he'd shake his head as he'd walk away into another room, closing the door leaving Henric alone.. " Bless his poor soul.. I should've just listened to him... " Henric looks at the ground " I think I'm going to go smoke a cig or two.. " he'd turn and walked outside, pulling out his cigs as he lights one and puts it into his mouth, drawling a long take in before taking it out his mouth and exhaling the smoke, sighing as he closes his eyes " I'm sorry William... " After hours of being outside Henric finally decided to go back in, but when he opened the door to enter Wallace was standing right there, looking down at him " Don't you know smocking is bad for you Hen? " he asked, raising and eyebrow as he's not happy at all " Look it was only two cigs, it couldn't have been that bad right?.. " He'd ask tilting his head as Wallace would grab onto Henric " Give me the cigs..... N O W " and yet Henric didn't " And why should I?- I don't have a reason to! " Wallace would hit Henric again " I SAID GIVE ME THE DAMN CIGS!!! " Henric finally gives in and gives Wallace the cigs, sighing, though from when he was hit it really hurt as he looks down and off to the side, he looks up at Wallace, seeing how disappointed he looked, he actually managed to frown despite his face originally fixed into a smile but not anymore " Henric.. I'm disappointed in you.. how comes you stopped years ago when Rosalie was pregnant with Chara and now you start again? Sirously I expected more of you.. I really did.. " he'd shake his head as Henric looked down " I'm sorry... " Wallace just looked down at him " Sorry ain't gonna cut putting your life at fuckin' risk Hun.. it really ain't, I want you to stay safe and stay alive and not die.. but you know cigs just take time off of your damn life, we can't have that happening.. we really can't, now either stop smoking or I'll have to myself, I can promise you that my dear " Henric looked up at him, confused " Dear? Wallace we aren't- " Wallace covered Henrics mouth with his hand " Shhhh, be quiet.. " he'd look outside to see some people as he picks Henric up snd carries him somewhere else where they can't see them as Wallace looked down at Henric and whispers to him " You better keep quiet or things may get ugly.. and we both don't want that.. " before Henric could try and make any sound Wallace shoved him into a bear by closet,keeping his quiet with his hand still covering Henrics mouth, after 35 minutes Wallace finally lets ho of Henric " i think the coat is clear but stay here and keep quiet until I'm one hundred percent sure okay? " Henric just glares at him and rolls his eyes " Fine.. " Wallace would smile " Good boy " Wallace then walks out of the room as he looks around outside, it was completely clear as he comes back in " coast is clear Hen " he'd nod as Henric walks out of the closet looking around " and you're completely sure it's safe? He'd ask as Wallace would nod " I'm sure Hen.. after all who would I lie to you dear.. " Wallace tilted hid head, smiling " Because you would, I know you well enough to know what you would and wouldn't do.. "
( This is like- 2 chapters in 1 technically so I'ma stop here for now and I'll update this again when I got more )

" Five " nights in the frosty forestWhere stories live. Discover now