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This is my first story. Please vote.enjoy!

BEEP!! BEEP!! BEEP!! The sound of the alarm clock woke John up. John shut the alarm clock off. "Ugh". John said as he looked at the time on his clock. The time was 7:00. John got up and got ready for school. "Breakfast is ready!" John's mom yelled from downstairs. "What's for breakfast?" John asked has he was walking down the stairs. "Eggs." John's mom said. "Were are your glasses?" John's mom asked John. "In my pocket." John said. "Put them on!" John's mother yelled. John put on his glasses. "Do you want me to walk you to the bus stop?" "No thank you."

John said as he got up and walked to the front door. "Ok by." John's mother said. John slammed the door.

John walked to the bus stop. As John was waiting for the bus he saw a tall figure in the woods down the block. John couldn't see the figure clearly. The bus pulled up in front of John. When the doors on the bus opened the bus driver said "get on." John didn't hear him. "GET ON!" Yelled the bus driver. "Ok." John said. John got on the bus and took a seat. When he looked up the figure was gone. "What?" John said confused. When the bus was in front of the school John got off. When John got off he saw the tall figure on the playground. This time he could see the figure clearly. The figure wasn't a human it was something else. The figure had no face. It was in a black suit. And the figure had long arms. "Hey John!" Andrew yelled. John looked back. Andrew was running toward John. John looked back at the playground. The creature was gone. DING! DING! DING! The bells rang. "John time for class." Andrew said to John.

Andrew and John went to class. "Class we will be writing a essay on George Washington." Mrs. Rogers said. John looked out the window and saw the creature. "JOHN!" "Are u paying attention?" Mrs. Rogers asked. "Yes." John said. (I didn't want to write what happened in school. So I skipped to the scene where he is walking home)

"Where is my mom?" John said to himself. "I'll just walk home." As John was walking home it started to get dark. (John is walking through the woods to get home) When John was walking he heard a sound behind him. He turned around. "AHHHH!!!!!!" John screamed." The creature was behind him. John turned around and kept running. Until he ran into a tree. Then the creature stabbed John with a sharp tree branch. Blood started to come out of John. Then the creature came up to John. John was slowly dieing. The creature had a page in his hand. He showed it to John. The page had this written on it. "My name is SlenderMan. John died.

If I get a lot of votes I will make part 2.

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