Chapter 4

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"Finally home!" Red sighed as soon as they left the nether, Orange and Yellow making quick work of the portal while Blue sat on the couch with Green.

"I still feel sick," Orange complained, sitting on the floor of the STORAGE folder.

Yellow rolled his eyes and picked Orange up.

"Hey!" Orange cried, wrapping his arms around Yellow, who felt a lot more fluffy now. "You're really soft." he mumbled.

Yellow blinked as he dropped Orange on the couch next to Green, then sat on the musician's other side next to Blue, who was playing with her new arms.

"You are really soft," Green agreed, hugging the brighter stick's arm; he was like a giant, warm teddy bear.

"He was a llama, of course he'd be really soft." Orange yawned, patting the couch as Red approached with Reuben, Orange snuggling up to Red as he dozed off.

"Ow!" Blue cried, hugging her right, upper arm, where the black and blue met, in pain.

"What's wrong?" Red asked worriedly.

"I stretched my arm too far," Blue answered, nodding to the floor her arms were covering most of.

"Wow..." Green breathed, wondering if he should tell everyone about his side effect.

"Do you know yours yet?" Yellow asked him while Blue started retracting her arms.

"I think so," Green sighed, sparing Orange a glance.

Blue and Red perked up, but Green didn't do anything.

"Can we see?" Red asked excitedly.

Green got a flute from his inventory, which definitely hadn't been there before, and began to play.

Red tilted his head in confusion, his side effect gave him a flute, which was nice, but didn't make any sense, until he heard Blue gasp.

"Are you doing that?" Blue asked, staring at where there had been the start of a bruise on her arm, she turned to Green in awe, who nodded.

"I don't get it," Red admitted.

"Me neither," Green admitted. "But I felt like something good would happen if I played."

"You don't have any changes then?" Orange yawned, woken up by the music, as usual.

"Not that I know of," Green shrugged, nudging the neck-less stick. "This will be so cool though."

Blue tilted her head in confusion, and Green pointed to his now maxed health bar.

"Wow!" Red cried, realising all their health bars were maxed. "That's amazing!"

Green grinned proudly, even though his body hadn't changed like everyone else's, he'd been given a cool new power; one he could use after fights and when they were sick.


"Are you sure about this?" Red asked hesitantly.

"Of course!" Green grinned. "If you don't like it, you can always change it." he offered.

Red batted at his necklace, and shook his head.

"It's not that, I just--" Red sighed, admittedly not knowing what it was, just that something about it felt off.

Green had come up with the idea of playing dressing up to accentuate the changes made to them.

Green had a black shirt, white gloves, and a green cloak, his flute sat proudly on the brim of his green hat; attire he was very proud of.

Red just had a blue diamond shaped necklace to match his tail, Blue had made sure to keep him well stopped on potions, in case she wasn't around when the ten minutes ran out, which he greatly appreciated.

"You can have something else if you want, but necklaces are water proof, so..." Green trailed off.

Red shook his head. "I'll get used to it."

Green frowned. "It's okay if you don't like it."

"The necklace is great!" Red cried, waving his arms. "But maybe--"

"Are you two okay?" Yellow asked, leaving the house; he was wearing a yellow striped poncho, though when he moved his arms, Red and Green could see something black underneath.

"Are those earrings?" Green asked in surprise.

Yellow nodded. "The idea's to feel more comfortable, since we'll be stuck like this forever, right?"

Red frowned, wondering if he just wasn't comfortable with everything going on, which would make sense.

"Right!" Green agreed, smiling brightly.

"You look nice," Blue complimented as she left the house too, Orange following behind.

Orange had a black coat with white sleeves and a neon green tie, along with black gloves and a top hat with a small pumpkin on the brim.

Blue just had a black, sleeveless top and blue scarf, although something looked off...

"Did you... take a potion?" Green asked, frowning.

"No?" Blue stared at Green in confusion.

Yellow grabbed Blue's arm, revealing her to be wearing long gloves, which he was quick to remove.

"You shouldn't hide." Yellow tutted.

Blue took the gloves back, but thankfully didn't put them back on.

"Why did you do that?" Red asked.

"I wanted to see if it would be the same as before," Blue admitted, stretching one arm like a spring. "I can't do anything like this."

"Sure you can," Green grinned, hands on hips. "You can reach anything now."

Blue scowled. "Yeah, but I can't reach anything up close."

Yellow frowned thoughtfully. "Get something from your room." he ordered suddenly.

Blue raised an eyebrow, but did as she was told.

The group watched Blue open the door, her arm slowly stretching out as she reached upstairs, then returned with a reversal potion.

"Wow..." Red breathed.

Yellow snatched the potion, only to offer it right back.

Blue frowned in confusion, but went to take it, though for some reason she couldn't grip it. "I can't."

Yellow nodded, his theory confirmed; not that it helped Blue.

He tossed it on the couch, at the far end, and nodded to Blue, who picked it up easily.

"Does Blue have to be at a distance to pick things up?" Red asked.

"How will she eat?" Orange wondered.

"We can work something out," Yellow reassured, sitting on the couch with Blue.

"Can't we just...?" Green mimicked cutting his arm off.

"No!" Orange cried, glaring at Green.

"It was just a suggestion," Green grumbled, sitting on the couch and folding his arms.

"A bad one." Red stated, smacking the musician.

"I'm not that desperate," Blue mumbled, leaning against Yellow, who nodded firmly in agreement.

"You shouldn't have to be." he agreed, glaring at Green as well.

He threw his hands up with a huff. "I'm sorry, okay!"

Blue sat up and managed to drink the reversal potion from her room, everyone watching her arms return to normal.

"...That works too." Green said, no one knowing what else to say; Orange and Red nodding in agreement.

Yellow frowned, thinking the same as Red earlier, there was something not quite right about all this.

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